Core Story Day


Sometimes we need someone to hear our story to help us sort through who and where we are so a piece of us can come home.

This is TinaO’s VIP Day 

It’s a personalized experienced based on the kind of listening that wants to happen. After a Core Story call, TinaO will let ‘the story’ tell us what kind of listening is needed.

Some people have wanted to hike and talk all the way up Mount Gardner, others to sit and be in a cozy living room with colours, paint and tea. Some have needed to stand by the ocean while others have chosen to walk the Labyrinth or sit with a fire burning in a quiet sanctuary.

TinaO holds the container for deep witnessing, listening and reflecting back to you as the story tumbles out.

If it feels right, the work often takes on answering the following questions:

  • Your INNATE WHO – you are.

  • Your PROFOUND WHAT – you give. 

  • The SPECIFIC WHEN – of your life right now. 

  • WHERE – you impact.

  • Your COMPELLING HOW – you do life.

  • and your DEEP WHY – you do what you do. 

The day begins at 9:30 as you step off the 9am ferry, includes a nourishing lunch and closes when you board the 5pm boat home (times are approx. based on the season). 

If this kind of a day speaks to you, book a complimentary Core Story call with TinaO and let’s find out what wants to be listened to.