This is Someday with Impact Media Producer Charlene SanJenko

What if your someday started today? Someday I’ll write that book, I’ll say that thing, I’ll push that envelope, I’ll take that stand, I’ll find that courage to become what I’ve always known I’m made to be.

I call this a core story. It’s the double edge sword of everything you are made as. It’s the story you can’t run fast enough from and the story you can’t run fast enough to. It’s the conscious, or unconscious narrative that drives every turning point of your life. It’s okay if you don’t believe me. This isn’t a faith-based thing. This is a story, and every story is a mystery. Your life unfolds clue by clue until in your very last breath you turn around to see, you’ve had the answer all along.

Your Story from the Core is also the medicine you give the world, and the same medicine you need. It is also your personalized poison, a consistent resistance that grows you…

THIS IS SOMEDAY is an interview series with people who are living, giving and contributing from the core of who they are. This is their medicine. This is also their poison. This is their someday that they are living today.


This is Someday was recorded on the land known as Nex̱wlélex̱m (Bowen Island), in Kanata (Canada), Turtle Island (North America) on the unceded and ancestral territories of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) people. TinaOlife acknowledges the ancestors, supernatural ones, hereditary leaders and matriarchs, all land, water and air creatures for their stewardship.  I offer this story within their story and this story within yours.  All relations as one story.


Charlene SanJenko is an Indigenous Impact Producer + Media Visionary, braiding for better by brokering impact, building brand value using advertising dollars better.

She believes that impact media will follow in the footsteps of impact investing this decade. As the Indigenous Founder of PowHERhouse, Charlene SanJenko is a bridge between two cultures in our country. 

Charlene is from the Splatsin tribe, the most southern tribe of the Shuswap Nation in British Columbia and now resides on the beautiful Sunshine Coast with her husband, Ben, and step-daughter, Willow, since 2004, the traditional territory of the Squamish (skwxwú7mesh) First Nations where she enjoys hiking, horses, and regular connection with nature. 

A former two-term Gibsons municipal politician, competitive athlete + performance coach, social impact entrepreneur since 2000, YWCA Women of Distinction Award Nominee (2014), and community economic development enthusiast, Charlene is able to see the End Game, walk through a growth plan, and synthesize the efforts necessary to enjoy the greatest leverage, clarity, traction, and fulfillment for individual leaders, communities, and the collective whole. 

In the mid-90’s Charlene worked in a privately owned brokerage firm in the investment services industry. Her days were spent placing trades on various stock markets and keeping blue-buy tickets and pink-sell tickets straight. Now, Charlene brokers impact. Since 2013, Charlene has led a passionate team at PowHERhouse Impact Media Group in the digital media arts space, thriving to create and produce trajectory-shifting projects, programming, and meaningful experiences.

To shift society, we must shift the narrative. Charlene believes that media is the most powerful trajectory-shifting vehicle of our generation. The total advertising expenditure in North America (2019) was $253.6 billion U.S. dollars and is projected to reach $254 billion dollars by the end of 2022. Charlene is a media visionary and a broker of impact who is innovating a path to use brand dollars better to shift behaviours before they become social, environmental, and economic problems.


TinaO: I’m always happy to sit down and listen to a visionary, you specifically. So I’m super grateful to have this time to lean into some of the bigger questions that are unfolding for you into wisdom and answers and more questions. And I just want to thank you for being with me today and taking some time to check in and dive in. So thanks for being here.

Charlene: Thank you. Yeah, I appreciate it. It’s like the wiser we get the more questions we have.

TinaO: This feels like a really good segue into my first question for you as a visionary. I don’t think I’ve had visionaries in my life before, so getting to know and experience you has taught me a lot about all the things that come with that title. I’ve heard you say many times: I see you, I see all of you. I wonder if you can share with me what that means, and what it is like being a visionary.

Charlene: Well, it’s it’s both a really fun and a really frustrating place. As a visionary, you primarily see possibility, and then you immediately jump to the fullest potential of any situation, human being, or opportunity. You jump right to 100%, and then you gauge your conversations and your actions based on how prepared you think the other person or the other party is.

You jump right in at 100% then you gauge your actions based on prepared you think the other party is.

Charlene sanjenko – what is a visionary

TinaO: And of course, I’ve been on the receiving end of that. From my side, I want to share that sometimes it feels like the most exquisite invitation. We’ve talked before about the impact of really being seen. It’s as if the permission slips needed for that woman or leader just fall from the sky. I’ve been on that side of the visionary piece, and that alone has catapulted me forward in many places in my life and work.

I’ve also been on another side of it. I don’t know if this is just a Gen X thing, or part of growing up in a big family, but I’ve also experienced: “Don’t you tell me who you think I am…” I have felt that on the inside too. Usually about three days later, I ask myself What if she’s right? What if she’s wrong? What if we’re both right? What if we’re both wrong?

Charlene asked TinaO to open the FireCircle 2021 Global Conference with her solo-show OMYGOD, a storytelling for reconciliation experience about the women we burned, the babies we buried and the Gods we worship.

Charlene: I love that. I love that. That’s the invitation: healthy conflict, because then I say, ‘Show me’. So it’s kind of that baiting, you know, baiting someone or something on. Show me differently, you know, like, let’s go, let’s play. As long as I have sparked something, my job is done. As long as I wake it up so I can take a look at it, I will push a button and expect pushback. Great! Because then I know you’re alive. You know?


TinaO: Let’s jump into impact media. You’ve been working in media as an impact champion for the last decade or more. Can you help us understand what impact media means? I’m a core story person so I have to ask:

Do you think you chose impact media? Or do you think Impact Media chose you?

Charlene: That’s a good question. I think impact media ‘invited’ me with a curiosity or calling, but I chose it when I chose to make a commitment to pursue it and play the spark of an idea all the whole through to the full realization of a vision. Otherwise, it’s just an idea.

I can trace it back. I’ve always been inspired by Oprah’s impact in the world. I’ve always been frustrated by botox and fake boobs on magazine covers. I’ve always been deeply inspired by an uplifting musical performance or theatre show where your heart is opened right up.

For every sensory experience that we have, it’s either going to bring us up, or it’s going to bring us down. It’s either going to bring us closer to who we really are, or distract us away from it.

I just watched five people being shot in about five seconds… Is that taking me closer to the human being I want to be? Or is that taking me further away? I believe media is the most powerful influencer of us and who we currently are, and who we want to be as a society. I don’t think there’s anything more powerful. Impact media deliberately and intentionally chooses to lift society, one project at a time, one experience at a time, one creative endeavor at a time, and one impact champion story at a time. If it is the most powerful tool out there lifting society, I want to be a part of it.


TinaO: I think you just hit on the word that I’m really lit up about. I’m hearing you say that impact media is about bringing us closer to our human experience. I love this term impact champion, because an impact champion does just that. They aren’t the impact heckler, or an impact coach… they’re a champion.

Charlene: The cool thing about impact champions is that you can ‘do impact’ and develop or deliver impactful solutions while operating under the radar for years. You can be doing a world of good, and you certainly are a champion. However, most folks who end up finding and choosing to work with me have come to realize that the impact they’re here to make can be exponentially amplified, as they get brave enough to let others SEE them. When you’re hiding and doing good, you’re creating solutions, no doubt about it; but, are you shifting society? Are you shifting the behaviour of society?

When you’re hiding, you’re doing good and creating solutions, but are you shifting the behaviour of society?

Charlene sanjenko – being an impact champion

TinaO: You bring up a really interesting piece, having just completed a solo show and am currently beginning my campaign to release it beyond my control to hold it. Hands down, as an Artist of Impact, OMYGOD is the best work I’ve done so far. I showed up at a 100% I didn’t even know was possible. And the big aha for me is that I clearly have some control issues. What is this? Is it safety? Is it not wanting to be misunderstood? Is it not wanting to offend? I want to come back to impact champions and impact media, one of the great things about media is that it doesn’t belong to you once you release it. That’s impact. I wonder if that takes you anywhere?

Charlene: Yeah, it does. It brings up a few things. You’ve heard me say this, it’s not about you, it’s not about me, it’s about us. Your highest gifting doesn’t belong to you. We are all interconnected beings having an experience in this lifetime. When we find and bring out our highest gifting, that is for the interconnected mass that is us. It’s for all of us. For all of our relations. How did we get to be so insular? The release you’re talking about, when you experienced it, probably felt pretty good, because it’s natural. You are recognizing, Oh I get it. This is not about me, this is for us. This is for all of us. When I finally got that, things got lighter and more energized. I got out of my own way. But it also arrived with a sense of responsibility. Right? The world deserves all of you. How dare you not give it all. What gets me excited about impact media is, I feel like if I can work with those who are ready to show that, then that’s going to become the norm.

You’ve heard me say this before, humans are operating at only 15% of what I believe we’re fully capable of, if we would let ourselves play at our highest potential for our collective greatest good.

TinaO: Your story knocks, you answer, you serve it, and then you let it go.


TinaO: You have this saying about money being left on the table. What does that mean in connection to impact media?

Charlene: If the game that we’re playing is to shift society by what we’re consuming through media every day, if we want our behaviours to elevate, to get upstream of the societal problems that are currently bogging us down on all levels, then let’s elevate what we’re paying attention to. 

As someone who came from an investment services background, I learned how to turn over all of the rocks to see who the players might be to put a deal together. The players in this game of impact media are: the impact champions or artists of impact who are creating the stories, impact producers like me who are willing, ready, and wanting to help those stories to be told, and the third piece, the conscious advertiser, brand and impact investor. I believe that the advertising industry wants to catch up with the social impact and social innovation industry. I believe that brands, brand specialists, conscious advertisers and marketing executives are out there who have done the personal growth work. Let’s call them the next level of more conscious and caring leaders.. They’re at a tipping point, and they want to invest in quality campaigns and quality projects. They have money to spend, and they are no longer happy creating commercials only to sell their products and services. Our job in the world of impact is to give them the clear and obvious stepping stones to really viable, interesting, quality campaigns, projects, and creative opportunities, because with them, their brand will be built, their customers and employees will be happy, and they’ll be positioned as an impact champion to all of their stakeholders, industry contacts, and future recruits. They are SEEN as the good guys they are, they’re literally helping to solve the world’s problems and elevating humanity, and again, pent-up energy is released that can be used for exponential impact  I just don’t see a downside. The market that’s currently being left on the table is over $250 billion in US dollars spent on advertising annually in North America.

TinaO: To quote you and your dry sense of impactful humour: This is a duhhhhh moment for advertisers and brands.

Their customers will be happy and the brand will be positioned as an impact champion. The market currently left on the table is over $250 billion US.

Charlene sanjenko – impact media producer


TinaO: I really think the world is sitting right on that edge of these kinds of decisions which brings me to my last question for you. You’re an indigenous woman, and I know that this year has been tremendously hard for you, specifically over the last few months (currently the remains of over 2000 Indigenous children have been located in unmarked graves across Canada). I also know that you’re grateful for the possibility of healing that can happen as the truth continues to be acknowledged. This happened. So there’s gratitude there for healing to happen, and I know that you care deeply about impact media for the greater good of the world. There’s so much I could ask here. Just this morning in GATHER for HER we heard from Indigenous Leader Nadine Bernard, Indigenous people are older than this country. From that core place, there are answers. I wonder what you might want to share with us as an indigenous woman with ancestral knowledge and wisdom, and as an impact champion yourself currently writing your first screenplay, what you might want to share with us about your journey. I realize that this question itself is its own conversation, but it feels key to me with impact media because it’s about coming home. Where do you want to go with this question?

Indigenous people are older than this country.

Nadine bernard – impact champion and guest on GATHER FOR HER

Charlene: For me, it is about coming home. At our very core, as humans, we realize how far we’ve gone from our center. I think when we let go of the distractions, I think we can all honestly agree that we’re off kilter. And I feel like if we can tune into our heart, our soul or whatever your word is, at our center, there is something that we’ve forgotten. I’m not going to say lost. I’m purposely saying that we’ve forgotten. We’ve gone a bit off track, and hence the coming home.

I think what pulls me to impact media so strongly is that ultimately, I’m an optimist. Ultimately, I’m the visionary, and I know it’s in there for most people. I see it. With enough little clues, enough little hits, enough little reminders, enough little insights I do believe as a society, that we can come back on track, and we can come home. Truth must come before reconciliation.

I think the power of what we see everyday can lead us there. Media can remind us of who we really are. Don’t forget who you really are… reminding us in little tiny hits of communication and conversation. I think it could be inevitable. I want to make it inevitable that as a society, we come back together. We come back to remembering why we’re here in the first place. We don’t need to get in a rocket ship and go somewhere else. We need to go deep inside with gratitude and remember why we’re here, that we are all connected.


Charlene: That’s the power that I believe, of indigenous peoples. We’re storytellers. There’s a reason that stories are passed down from generation to generation. It’s so we don’t forget who we are, and where we’ve come from, and what we believe, and what we value. So why wouldn’t we, being older than this country, why wouldn’t we choose to remember? We can return home and lift society with our media.

TinaO: I have two phrases that come to mind. One I will borrow from you: duh, and the other one is that Indigenous people are the original impact champions.

Charlene: Yes.

TinaO: This feels like a beautiful place to end.

Charlene SanJenko and I have been friends and colleagues now since I was merely months out of cancer treatment (2016). I saw what she was up to with PowHERtalks and I reached out to her. We had one conversation, one, but that conversation changed everything.

When she says: I see you, I see all of you, she means it. While neither one of us could’ve seen the book that is coming (Story Stones), the show I completed this year (OMYGOD), and the Storytelling for Reconciliation work I am building, she saw me. She saw my potential, and she named it, and gave me an opportunity to speak on stage. At that time (2015) I was far from being what we might call ‘ready’. I shook through the entire talk. I opened on a verse from a song that was playing during my first radiation treatment and I was so nervous, this singer (me) could barely stay on key.

But she’s a visionary. She doesn’t see who you are today, she doesn’t even pretend to see what you will do, she sees what is possible, what has potential, and what may be peaking around the corner for you if you’re willing to look.

In Charlene’s core, her story is one of calling.

She calls us to the Fire.

The Fire where we gather to remember, weave, and tell stories for seven generations of impact.

Thank you for listening.

To become an Impact Champion or Impact Investor reach out to Charlene directly at

Tina Overbury is the writer and storyteller of OMYGOD – a storytelling for reconciliation experience about the women we burned, the babies we buried and the Gods we worship. She is a professional listener who works with narrative and story structure as a vehicle for human connection.

Her work is rooted in Myth, Mysticism, and the practice of personal faith. She is devoted to global reconciliation through the exploration of origin stories, sharing our oral history, land-based knowing, and a continued focus on communication as a sacred practice.

She is a proud associate of PowHERhouse Impact Media as a core-communications specialist working with individuals and organizations who feel called. She is a co-host of GATHER for HER, and a PowHERhouse Artist of Impact Amplify Coach helping leaders become artists and artists become leaders. 

Blog- PowHERcircle


About to jump on with PowHERhouse Media Group for their 7×7 powHERcircle challenge to speak in to the importance of deep listening.

The human psyche can only hold so much.

The body can only perform so far.

But the spirit of us is limitless. It is fuel is limitless when we keep ourselves ‘plugged in’ so to speak.

It’s January. We have set goals. We have closed doors. We have cast a vision. Our focus and ‘work’ (and I use that word lightly) has begun.

We are going to get tired. You can count on it. We live in a human body.

We are going to be heart broken. Great risk of true heart and grit will take us into the unknown where we will grow and you can’t grow in a marshmallow. There IS resistance. There will be disappointment and choices to stay down or get up.

So we nourish our body to hold us.

We feed our minds to discern for us.

We listen to our spirit, like we would a lover, someone we hold dearer to ourselves than we ever thought possible. We listen. We listen. We listen.

We honour.

And we follow out inner wisdom.

There’s gonna be days where we’ve given ‘rrrrr and are triumphant and days were face down in the mud and the part of us who picks ourselves up and dusts ourselves off and notices the insight from what just ‘happened’ is the part of us who can ‘hear’.

It’s a practice.

And it’s a fuel tank which is never empty and will never leave you.

Spirit is in our business.

Our work is sacred.

Your instrument of a ‘self’ is made for what you do.


Tina Overbury is a core-communications specialist who works with individuals and organizations who feel called. She is a storyteller, performer, and a professional listener who works with narrative and story structure as a vehicle for human connection. Her work is rooted in Myth, Mysticism, and the practice of personal faith. She brings thirty years of collaborative storytelling in theatre, film, marketing, team based selling, and workshop facilitation. She is the founder of Live Your Best Story, a weekend retreat of deep listening held on Bowen Island, BC, Canada and is the voice and story behind TinaOLife, home to Story Stones, TinaO’s weekly online gathering of listening in to sacred stories. Tina is a proud associate of PowHERhouse media where she listens and supports the ‘stories’ of whole and integrated leaders of tomorrow. 

If you would like to know more about Tina’s approach to story, click here

Why I Love Jake Hassel-Gren a TinaO List to Love – BLOG

We make some people harder to love because they defy our societal and cultural norms. They’re pure. They don’t mince expectations with filtered down possibilities so everyone else is comfortable. They don’t stop to give you their spot in the sun because they know we all have one.  They think: Why create shade when there’s enough heat for all?

That’s Jake.

She’s highly misunderstood, and it’s precisely what I love about her. What you see is who she is and what she wants for you is everything.  Tricky to believe these days: someone who actually wants the best for you because she understands what it is.

And therein lies the rub.

Her standards are high.

She comes by it honestly. She was raised that way (but that’s next week’s story). Here’s a glimpse though. I can’t help myself.

“My parents are truly incredible human beings. They exposed me to life across it’s multiple landscapes. I had it all. During the week, life in a fine home with velvet curtains and stunning design and then weekends running barefoot in the grass with scads of artists and hippies. There  was no room for judgement in my life, only experiences. My parents gave us and showed us what the best truly is: a full and confident life.”

No wonder I liked her immediately even though I wasn’t sure I should.  She challenged me right from the get-go.  There was no nicey-nicey dumbing it down small-talk. She asked what I did. I told her I’m a Core Story Specialist. I help people articulate exactly who they are and intrinsically, why they do what they do.

And she got it.

“Cool”, she said.  And that was it.

I liked that.

She didn’t offer any polite ‘filler’ conversation. She just moved on to what was next.

What you see is who she is and what she wants for you is everything.

I’ll come completely clean on this one, we work together now and I offered to write this article because I feel lucky to know her. Holy Hannah and mutha of all that is F-bomb sacred, Jake Hassel-Gren has a MASSIVE VISION for female entrepreneurs. She (and I) can drop more F-bombs than a bus load of 14 year olds on Dorritos. The difference is kids do it ’cause they can, and she does it ’cause sometimes it’s called for.  Some moments deserve a capital F in the front with a big ole K at the back.

The truth is though, as much as I send her up now, I completely couldn’t figure her out when we first met.  “I’ll connect you with my friend Jake”, said Charlene SanJenko of PowHERhouse Women’s Media Group to me last August. “She’s the woman behind The LEAP Learning Lab. You two can talk about building a program to help women bring their book from concept to publish-ready.  Jake is as tired as you and I are of seeing women continue to work in silos. We have to change how we do things and Jake’s LEAP Learning Lab is all about that.”

Where does she live? I asked.

“Toronto”, said Charlene.

Oh gawd I thought, not another perfectly coiffed Toronto woman to snicker at my hippy hair and make snide comments about my closet full of Crocs.  Sure… let’s talk. I thought. We’ll see. 

We got on a video chat in September and in perfect post summer form, I had sun-fried frizzy hippy hair and was still bumbling around with beach brain struggling to finish complete thoughts and sentences as we shared big ideas about what would make the lives of female entrepreneur’s easier AND more powHERful.  Jake, once upon a time a VP in the banking world, now an entrepreneur on a mission to create a global, world class online Community of Practice for women and set a platinum standard for online learning, showed up exactly as she is: stunning, primed and ready for anything.

I’m going to write another piece about Jake next week. This is just the beginning.  It’s going to take a lot more than one article to capture this woman’s story. I spent a few hours on the phone with her doing what I do best, which is pulling together who she is at the Core so I can understand why she cares so deeply about women taking their spot, as she calls it.

For today though, my focus is on WHY Jake rather than WHO is Jake. I want you to know why I decided to hitch my online learning wagon to LEAP, and you know me, my reasons always have less to do with business and everything to do with the person.  A long time ago, in an entrepreneurial class I took in my early twenties, the teacher at the front of the room said “never do business with someone you wouldn’t have over for dinner”.  That truth has stayed with me.  So here’s a bit about Jake and why I think she’s pretty dang spectacular.

TinaO’s Top Ten Reasons Why I Love Jake Hassel-Gren.

Do women even say that about women anymore? I do.

#1 – She’s wicked, and every other totally awesome and righteous word I used in the 80’s. Remember how the 80’s defied logic? There was only one direction, and it was UP.  That’s how it feels to work beside Jake. We’re going somewhere and it’s gonna be florescent green, Madonna awesome.

#2 – She likes dogs. Seriously, her dogs have matching winter jackets and she’d never treat them like an accessory though they will look fantastic.  She’s a ‘small dog’ parent and yes she does post funny dog videos on Facebook.

#3 – She speaks artist. Okay, I’m stretching the truth a little (maybe a lot). She doesn’t actually SPEAK artist, but she FEELS artist which is harder and far more vulnerable to do.  I couldn’t hang with this chick if we didn’t connect in this way.

#4 – She wears red lipstick like it’s a signature. Red is primary. It isn’t made from something else by anything else. Perfect.

BTW, it’s Chanel. I asked.

#5 – She can flip you the bird while screaming your praises. Expression is like that. It’s a full contact sport. Jake does life out loud and what she doesn’t say with her words, she’ll tell you with her eyes.

#6 – It took less than 3 seconds for my phone to ring when I told her about my sister passing. Not a text. She phoned. Who calls anyone anymore? Jake.

#7 – She asks “How are you?” at least twice a week. In her world of ‘best’, of ‘do’, of ‘be’ she still finds the time to connect with those she cares about. She says things like “I was thinking about you today. How did your doctor’s appointment go?”, or “How are you holding up?”, and “Do you need anything?”.  Again, I ask you, how many people do you have in your life who do that regularly?

#8 – She calls me out on my greatness and I’m not talkin’ blowing sunshine up my butt. It’s not about compliments, it’s about saying what is so. She’s the first to say “You know that. You do that. You are that.” – When she says it, I believe it. When I say it, I talk myself out of it. I’d rather listen to her.

#9 – She loves football. Okay, so I grew up with too many brothers and I can’t stand watching sports on tv or in an arena, but I frickin’ love that she’s over-the-top, beyond-all-understanding, geeked-out C R A Z Y about The New England Patriots. I gotta respect that kinda passion you know?

#10 – When I asked her what is ‘home’ for her, and what is her greatest medicine? She said LOVE. 

Jake is a big game of life player.  She gets up every morning and asks: How can I be of service today? Some of us are harder to understand because our whole package doesn’t match the stories set up and made-up by others on the outside. Jake is like that.

I thought she was tough. She is.

I thought she was an uncompromising high achiever. She is.

I thought she was opinionated, driven and sharp. She is that too.

I thought she cared about success. She does.


and Hers.

and Mine.

Because in Jake’s world, you don’t have to step into the shade to give someone else a piece of the sun.

The best is meant for all of us, and a woman need only stand and claim her spot to know that for herself.

This is PART ONE of TinaO’s Exclusive on Jake Hassel-Gren. Watch for Jake’s Core Story in PART TWO coming out next week. For more about Jake’s LEAP Learning Lab, you can visit her site. 

TinaO is a Core Story Specialist and a Program Director of PUBLISH with Meribeth Deen for The LEAP Learning Lab. She’s a writer, speaker and the founder of TinaOLife – a hub to Live, Give and Be Your Story, plus the deep listening weekend retreat Live Your Best Story. She’s been in the PR and Marketing world since she could put words together and has been a professional network marketer for over twelve years. She teaches: selling isn’t slimey, marketing isn’t make-believe and writing won’t give you an aneurysm (it’s not hard). You can be yourself in all that you do. In fact, that’s what the world is waiting for. 

Meribeth Deen on Why your Book Matters – BLOG

 Your book. Yes, the one that’s you’re writing in your head. The one that you tell your confidantes about, the one that you know will be great, if you ever get around to writing it.
There are so many reasons not to: a lack of time, not being sure of how to actually take the first steps, you’re insecurity about the way the words you put on the page sound… and then of course, the best excuse of all: you question, do books even matter these days anyway? This is the question I want to answer right now, and the answer is YES, they do matter. And yes, YOUR book matters.
Writing it, is your chance to state your case across party lines, across time, space, race and sex.
Your book is an opportunity to connect, to make an impact. You don’t know who you’ll make an impact with, and you don’t know what the impact will be (although some educated guessing can help in the writing of your marketing plan).
But when you write with integrity, you can move forward with a “strong spine and open heart” to field whatever questions, conversations and criticisms may come your way.
Your book, the one that you know will be great, if you ever get around to writing it. 
Your book is an opportunity for growth – you don’t have to be right, and someday you may look back and think how very wrong you were, but you wrote with honesty and so you will honestly own up to having moved on to a new perspective. The book will simply be a record of who you were when you wrote it, and that’s a good thing. It will give you something to measure yourself against.
Why write a book? Because it won’t get lost in the digital ether, like this blog post.
See you in PUBLISH. Read on to find out how you can be on the VIP list to have first in line access for this exclusive program. 

If you are a Canadian woman entrepreneur, leader, innovator, millennial or your business offers services to women in Canada we invite you to find out more about LEAP Learning Lab.We are a team of 10 fabulous Canadian women creating opportunities for other Canadian women to accelerate their success and their results across multiple disciplines. We also offer corporate learning solutions for businesses committed to the development of their women leaders.

We are looking for fabulous Canadian women to learn, live and lead with us. Collectively, through learning, we will make each other better humans.

Find out how this fabulous group of Canadian women can help you accelerate your results. CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR VIP LIST for our upcoming VIP Summit Feb 28th and/or March 1st. 


Meribeth Deen is a Journalist and a Story Producer. She’s produced radio documentaries all over the world and brought the stories of whistle-blowers at Guantanamo Bay to the screen. She goes to where the truth lives. She’s kind, process oriented and believes that when writing, you need to get lost in order to find the point.

We Learn from our Story – BLOG

Our story is a personal invitation to learn. It’s not our curse nor our blessing. It’s not our label or paradigm or racket or reason to blame or run or justify. It’s not our grandeur or accomplishment or title or goals. Story just is, and it never ends, while we have breath in our body, blood in our veins and synapses firing between our ears, it is our story that invites us to keep on learning. Why? Because an experience of living doesn’t happen in what we know, it’s in the minute after minute of discovery, and it’s vital to our happiness.

Curiosity didn’t kill the cat, comparison did. You know what happens when we stop learning? We start believing that we know stuff and God help us when that happens because that’s how comparison creeps in. You’ll notice when you start using position statements like: I’m right, they’re wrong. She’s good enough, I’m not. They can do it, I can’t. Why me? Why her? We begin to use words like always and never, as in…I always have to… or I never get to… as if there’s another option out there that we’re not allowed to have.

Comparison killed the cat.

The remedy? Operate in the learning and living zone. Let your story unfold. Be curious. Can we have knowledge?  Yes of course it’s just that we mustn’t stop there. We must develop skills and gain wisdom, be guided by our experiences, but the very second we stop learning it’s as if we’re saying I’ve had enough of my story thanks. That’s enough learning for me.


How about this: what makes an unbelievable book? Some fictional character or person’s real life experience takes us on a roller-coaster ride of happenings that move, inspire or transform us. Most importantly, it’s a journey that we can see ourselves in. Memorable books reflect our human experience and that’s why a killer book compels us to turn the page. We are addicted to learning. We have an insatiable desire to answer the question: What next?  Think about your morning routine. When your feet hit the floor and you raise your first cuppa, doesn’t the little voice in your head ask you that very question?  Isn’t that why you move forward? What’s next? 

That is the juju of our story. That’s what learning is.

We say: Teach me. What else is there? I want to know. I’m ready. More please. I want to be better at this. I want to try something new. I want to expand, to stretch, to lift, to enjoy, to be thrilled, to be moved. I am a life-long learner.

Life IS learning.

In today’s seemingly chaotic world governed by technology, at-capacity-thresholds and relentless change, those of us who embrace life by continuing to sit in the learning seat, (dare I say it?) will be HAPPIER than those who don’t (there I said it) because it takes more energy to hang on than it does to let go and learn.

It takes more energy to hang on than it does to let go and learn.

If you’re in business, and you don’t get story, you’re in trouble because today’s marketing is steeped in it. If you’re still selling pain instead of freedom your days are numbered because today’s consumers are done with adrenaline based marketing. Fear hurts more now because it’s difficult to get away from. If you have a website (and come on now, you must if you’re in business) and you don’t have a book: you are totally missing it. Today we are story based. That is how we learn. That is what we respect and that is what we are yearning for.

Enough with telling me what you know.

Teach me what I want to know instead.

I’m a program director with The Leap Learning Lab and along with Meribeth Deen, the two of us lead a program called PUBLISH supporting the stories of Canadian women from concept to publish ready. And while I can tell you about the tangible benefits of writing your book with us, it’s not the ‘how to’ stuff like this that you’ll take with you once you’re done.


  • craft a title that connects to your core.
  • conduct a research based interview.
  • link one chapter to the next so your reader is compelled to turn the page.
  • bring the vibrancy of your inner story up and out to live on the page.
  • magnify your voice to cut through the noise of other books in your genre.
  • etc… etc… etc…

Those are just some of the writing take-aways of PUBLISH, but what about the intangibles? Because this is where life as a committed learner enters the picture. This is where we follow, and yes possibly even run along our path to happiness.


  • Honouring the roots of where you’ve been so that your wisdom is a gift.
  • Connecting to the core of your why to make sense of why any of it matters.
  • Trusting the story that wants to tell you instead of feeling the pressure of having to drive it all the time.
  • Allowing a relationship with your creative side to lighten your load a bit more.
  • Developing a greater sense of confidence in who you are, where you come from and your place in the world.
  • Finding deeper meaning in all of it.

How do you put that into a curriculum? You can’t because it’s a bi-product of showing up and doing the work whatever that may be. In PUBLISH it’s about getting your book written. In Live Your Best Story (a retreat I lead), it’s about listening so as to lead your life. Whatever it is, take it on as the life-long learner that you are designed to be.

Happiness is connected to our sense of belonging, to understanding what brings us peace, and to doing life within the design of who we truly are. None of us get there by standing on a mountain of what we know.  All of us will get there when we’re committed to living by learning.

Our story is an invitation to learn and as we do, we invite more happiness in to our life.



If you are a Canadian woman entrepreneur, leader, innovator, millennial or your business offers services to women in Canada we invite you to find out more about LEAP Learning Lab.

We are a team of 10 fabulous Canadian women creating opportunities for other Canadian women to accelerate their success and their results across multiple disciplines. We also offer corporate learning solutions for businesses committed to the development of their women leaders.

We are looking for fabulous Canadian women to learn, live and lead with us. Collectively, through learning, we will make each other better humans.

Want you FREE COPY of TinaO’s Core Story Playbook?  Click here. 


Here’s where you can find out more about Tina’s upcoming retreat: Live Your Best Story. Here’s where you can find out more about PUBLISH and become a VIP in the Leap Learning Lab.


Identifying Your Core Story – an Excerpt – BLOG

Here’s an excerpt from the first draft of Chapter One of You Matter – Identifying your Core Story that will be complete by December 31st.  Follow along if it speaks to you. Big love to Meribeth Deen for being my Story Doula through this process. She said to me once a few months ago: ‘I can see that my challenge with you is going to be when and how to reign you in to a specific focus.’ She was right. But as is true with all my core story work, the focus found me and all I had to do was follow the thread.

Here is an excerpt for you: 

I begin every Core Story client with a complimentary inquiry call and while this may shift as my work carries on, here’s why I do it this way:  I am creating the best place I know how to let the story tell us and not the other way around. It follows the same belief that we can never run faster than our story and by making the call free, both you and I can step into the ring of ‘what have I got to lose?’ and that’s where permission begins. It’s not a flippant, what have I got to lose? although it can start out that way, usually and very quickly with that kind of freedom between us, I can establish a sense of ‘it’s just you and me here’ so that the story that wants to be known by you can feel safe enough to emerge.  

Is my time valuable? Yes, no more than yours.  Is my experience worthy of payment, yes, no more than yours. Do I deserve to be paid for my work? Yes, and at this stage of our relationship, only if it’s of value to you. If we decide to move forward together we’re going to be doing some intimate work so we need to choose each other. I like to think of it like dating. Imagine if we charged for that. What would that do to our connectivity? What I’m saying is, we have to authentically decide for it to be real. We don’t kiss the guy or girl at the end of the first date simply because we’re supposed to, or because it’s deserved, we kiss them because we want to, because the desire to be together emerges out of us.  

One of my favourite moments with my now husband happened at the end of our second date. We had gone to the movies or something (I totally don’t remember the details), and we both knew that the next day he was going on tour and wouldn’t be back for a week. He walked me up to my door and I let him inside. We had an awkward hug and a peck on the cheek followed by stilted small talk about when he’d be back and how he’d call me when he returned and then I let him out and closed the door. I took a few confused steps down my hallway towards the living room when I heard a gentle knock, and I smiled. I didn’t even have a thought yet, but I somehow knew this was honest. This felt true. I curiously walked back, turned the deadbolt and opened the door. He looked at me, hesitating briefly and trembling just a little and said “If I went on tour without kissing you, and I mean really kissing you I’d have to kick my own ass.” With that he planted one on me and left. His desire to kiss me emerged out of him.  It behooved him not to leave without a real, risky, whole-hearted kiss. He could not run faster than the story of that kiss. As for me, I felt confused when he left the first time because I didn’t get it, but I didn’t know what the it was that I didn’t get yet. It wasn’t logical. It wasn’t formulaic. It just didn’t feel right, him leaving like that. It wasn’t until he knocked the second time that I kind of understood, and then when he kissed me, I fell, and hard. That was the moment of our connection. Neither one of us needed to take charge of the end of the date, we simply had to follow the thread of the story and then show up and live it out fully.

And that’s why I don’t charge for my inquiry call, I am creating space for what is real to emerge so that the truth can happen without our own alpha-agendas of how things should be or my own story of self-worth getting in the way.

Don’t worry, I won’t be kissing you, but I may knock twice.


By December 31st 2016 the first draft of this book will be done. If you’d like a complimentary digital copy of TinaO’s Identifying your Core Story, pop your name in here and we’ll be sure to send it to you once it’s complete early 2017.

As well, if you are a Canadian woman with a story to tell and would like to be considered for PUBLISH, a book writing program launching in mid January 2017 through powHERhouse Media Group,  you may want to consider becoming a Woman we Celebrate so TinaO and Meribeth Deen can support you to get your book written this year.


 TinaO is a Core Story Specialist, a writer, speaker and the founder of TinaOLife – a hub for all things worth living for, and the workshop Live Your Best Story. She’s also a professional network marketer with a decade in the industry and  she teaches: selling isn’t slimey and marketing isn’t make-believe. You can be yourself and be successful in Direct Sales.

Identifying your Core Story – BLOG

By December 31st the first draft of You Matter – Identifying your Core Story will be complete. You can follow along as I share some sneak peeks with you until then. Big thanks to Meribeth Deen for being my Story Doula as I give birth to this word-baby. Did I just say that? Word-baby. Oh boy. I said it again.

We live our life unconsciously as stories with excited beginnings, doubtful mid-way points and then panicked or impending endings. We feel the timing of stories. We are captivated by the unknown because we expect an inevitable resolution. We control our lives to avoid the terror of unnecessary surprises. We get story and because the construct of beginning, middle, end is so ingrained into us, we woe-fully take on the dangerous pretense of being able to write our own story, as if we ultimately can. I’m here to tell you that while that’s possible, yes you can pick up the pen and write your own story, set your own course, and create the life you’ve dreamed of (as the inspirational wall art we buy never stops reminding us), this one-sided alpha position approach to living, while it may bring you short-term confidence, perceived control and seemingly peaceful order, it comes at a high price and that usually means your life, figuratively and sometimes even literally.

  • Yes you know where you’re going
  • Yes you may have the means to get there
  • Yes you may even have full confidence that you can ‘make it happen

Until one day, you don’t, or unspeakably you can’t, or you simply won’t, and you don’t know why. It’s as if you can’t quite put your finger on it, you just know you can’t do this, whatever this is, anymore.

By December 31st 2016 the first draft of this book will be done. If you’d like a complimentary digital copy of TinaO’s Identifying your Core Story, pop your name in here and we’ll be sure to send it to you once it’s complete early 2017.

As well, if you are a Canadian woman with a story to tell and would like to be considered for PUBLISH, a book writing program through powHERhouse Media Group,  you may want to consider becoming a Woman we Celebrate so TinaO and Meribeth Deen can support you to get your book written this year.


 TinaO is a Core Story Specialist, a writer, speaker and the founder of TinaOLife – a hub for all things worth living for, and the workshop Live Your Best Story. She’s also a professional network marketer with a decade in the industry and  she teaches: selling isn’t slimey and marketing isn’t make-believe. You can be yourself and be successful in Direct Sales.

Don’t Die Living Someone Else’s Story

TinaO_PowHERtalks 365






I was insanely nervous.  No kidding.  I had decided to show up and speak from the stage fully alive and semi-prepared.  Well, not true, I was fully prepared and by choice, only semi rehearsed.

I had an idea of what the beginning would be and I had a thought about how how the story would end, after all, I was connecting the dots between various moments in my own life plus, I understand the structure of a great ending:  it has to be surprising but inevitable (thank you Roger Larry for your film-making tip that stuck).

Surprising but inevitable…

Well, how just like life that is isn’t it?  It always makes sense when you track it back from the end.  That’s easy.  Ha ha… but did you know that everything makes sense as it unfolds too – only that’s the hard part because it requires trusting the process.

Watch this clip about how I came to trust my own living story as I shared a powHERtalk with an audience.

If only I had remembered to breathe at the beginning, perhaps my voice wouldn’t have dropped quite so far.  Ah well, if that had happened, sure I would’ve ”sounded” better, but that’s not how this piece wanted to live.

Hello again Hello…

Why die living someone else’s story? How about living yours instead.  Click here for our upcoming workshop.






Tina Overbury is the founder of the Live Your Best Story weekend Retreat and facilitates the Living Story portion of the weekend.

Truth Tuesday – Listening so as to Be

TT Jan 5th

The truth is subjective right?  I mean, I have one idea and I KNOW it’s true, but you do too and you KNOW it’s true as well.  Okay, so if that’s the case, then which is it?  Why all the fuss and fighting about it?  And why are we on this incessant pursuit of knowing it?  Why the pre-occupation with ‘finding our truth’?

Because we’re unaccustomed to living it.

And that’s perfectly natural.

We are born as itty bitty babies relying on those around us to be there, to take care of us, to make sense of us, to be the bubble that is our world.  Our first conscious exposure to our living story is a completely EXTERNAL one.   Our truth is based on what others do around us.

We see our mother’s face, feel her touch, hear her voice and that’s how we know we’re not alone.   We don’t even know what alone is, we just know that we’re more than one.

We hear, smell, taste and sense our environment and that’s how we know where we are.

We are born without words, without context, without place, yet with a soul story to know and to give away, but we can’t yet because we haven’t developed the tangible tools like language to do it.

It’s as if it’s a set up!  Life positions us to meet who we are through how we’re received.  Now this is a beautiful opportunity to grow if our ‘truth’ is always reflected back at us which is probably why we call this life thing a magnificent journey.  There’s so much to learn.  But come on, it sure seems wildly inefficient though.  Doesn’t it?  That we should come in to the world perfect, whole and living our ‘truth’, only to spend the first 40 years of our life (usually) living on auto-pilot then waking up during a mid-life crisis, or a 20-something existential emptiness, or our 30-something drive to ‘be someone’.  And then Some of us just skip it all together by playing the ‘acceptance game’ which isn’t acceptance at all, but rather resignation.  Ewwwwww.  I’ve seen it and so have you.  I’ve even lived it a few times.

When my husband and I couldn’t stand each other for about ten years of our first fifteen together (yup no kidding), the only way I knew how to cope was to say to myself:  Okay well I guess he’ll just watch TV and I’ll live in the kitchen (I’m simplifying but you probably get it).   No wonder I crash and burned. Resignation ate me up and spit me out.

Here’s the thing, once I took the dangerous step of actually LISTENING for whom I’ve always been, I realized, I’d never actually left. I wasn’t lost, I just wasn’t found.

Did you know that we can’t ditch ourselves? There is no where we can run to lose ourselves either.   It’s not like we get to shed our ‘truth’ on the floor as  a rumpled outfit as we reach into the closet to wear someone else.  We’re not a costume nor a wardrobe.  We’re not inter-changeable, well, at least not on the inside.

All the self-help books, personal growth workshops, inspirational wall-art and lit up catch phrases that we devour as a way to ‘find’ our truth is the habitual way we’ve moved through world since we arrived.  It makes sense right?  We think:   I am because you see me,  I do because you know me, I say because you hear me, I love because you love me… There’s beauty in this ‘we’,  in this interconnectedness.  There is.  I get that, but it still has nothing to do with the ‘truth’ quest we all end up on.

Today I ask you – Who are you in relation to only you?   Who are you beyond what fills your mind all day?  Who are you outside of where and how you live?  Who are you and who have you always been?

Oh mannnnnn big questions and you’re probably feeling the desire to skip it.  I mean, why ask when you can’t ever truly know. There’s no proof, no check mark, no enlightened someone to say:  Yes, you’re right, that’s who you are.  There’s only you and all you can do is listen for you.  Listen to the story that has been telling YOU since you arrived.

A life and business coach I once worked with Isabelle Mercier Turcotte said to me in a day long session together:  “That’s not your gig” and she wrote it on a yellow sticky and stuck it to one of the many massive post-it notes on the wall.  For months I walked through my  life with two imaginary yellow stickies:  one that said THAT’S MY GIG, and another that said THAT’S NOT MY GIG and in every single interaction I would figuratively hold up my two stickies and decide which one was true: my gig, or not my gig.  If you’re interested, here’s a quick video in my own words that I made for Isabelle about it.  

I had a good life five years ago when I was holding up those stickies, in fact, most would’ve thought that I was at the top of my game.  I was at the pinnacle of my profession, by all accounts I had a great life:  two kids, a house, husband, career, passions and my health. My truth however was that a lot of that good life wasn’t actually mine, I just lived it like it was.

Today, I ask you:  What’s your gig?  What’s not your gig?  The truth will always always always tell you, you need only listen for it.

I challenge you this week to hold up your two yellow stickies and see what answers come back.

Many thanks to Charlene Sanjenko and PowHERhouse women for the opportunity to host and moderate Truth Tuesdays.  So cool.

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