Intimates in Colombia

Tara Intimates

I spent the last week and a half of February in Colombia: I attended a dear friend’s wedding, and then I relaxed at a tiny resort where the biggest decision of my day was choosing a hammock in which to have my afternoon nap. It was glorious. And quiet. In more ways than one.

See, Colombia isn’t a country that speaks a lot of English. And I am not a traveler who speaks a lot of Spanish. You do the math.

What I learned: People in Colombia wanted me to eat, to be safe, to have a good time.

I survived with big smiles, excited clapping, pointing at menus, Google translator (when I had wifi), listening carefully for familiar words, and speaking loudly and slowly. (Oh yes, I did.)

My last morning in Colombia had me feeling stressed; I had complicated transfers beginning at 4 am from a somewhat-remote resort via taxi to the nearby town where I would connect with two different buses before reaching the airport that would take me to a major city for a connecting flight back to Canada.


Add to the stress the fact that I didn’t have quite enough cash to pay my various drivers along the way and would need to find a machine somewhere early on. An English-speaking staff member at the resort had lovingly arranged my entire trip for me, but I knew it was unlikely she would be around at 4 am to translate any further.

I thought ahead: I packed and was ready the night before, set a couple of alarms, and translated phrases I thought I might need into my phone and took screen shots that I could show them along the way.

Here’s what happened: I accidentally ordered a bottle and not a glass of wine at dinner the night before I left, and not wanting to waste it, I drank a lot of it and basically passed out. I woke up in plenty of time for my alarm, in my clothes, with the lights still on. I checked out of the resort with ease, met my driver, showed him my translation that said “Can we go to a cash machine so I can pay you?” and off we went.

I felt completely safe and taken care of. When the first banco machin-o didn’t work for my card, we looked for another, and each time, he stood outside the door and waited for me. We were a team.

Can We Stop at

Soon, I wasn’t worried about making my connections and even grabbed the tiniest of cat naps once I was safely on the bus.

It’s like I always say: we are in relationship with everyone we interact with.

For those brief moments, with my gruff, Spanish-speaking driver, we shared an intimacy that I am still talking about a week later.

I think that universally there is desire to connect, the same way our bodies want to maintain health. If we shoot Botox into our face, our muscles actually work around it and want to get back to what’s normal. This is why, if you use poison to still your beautiful facial expression lines, you need to repeat the treatment over and over again.

Similarly, we humans crave connection. When we don’t have it, due to language barriers or other zany circumstances, we find our way back to it.

Relationship wants to happen.

Stop fighting it. So many times, we get in conflict with each other and don’t realize that things just want to run smoothly. Rather than get in the way of it all the time, I invite you to consider what you can do and say that will create more intimacy with the people in your life. How can you join with the people around you to become team mates?

Try it and let me know what you discover. You don’t even have to go all the way to Colombia (although you could—they are lovely people and they will be very amused by your excited clapping when you finally decide what you’d like to order for dinner!).

Tara Cafelle Where



Get Real, like Sexy Real


Tara Caffelle is a Relationship and Communication coach.  She is passionate about creating connected, almost-uncomfortable-to-watch relationships that are based in Sexy Communication and Big Lives worth rolling around in.

Tara is based in the Lower Mainland of Vancouver and offers custom-designed coaching programs. To claim your free 90+ minutes and see what might be possible for your own super coupledom (or persondom), find a time here.

Have a question for Tara?  Have an idea for a Hump Day conversation?   How about just some thoughts about this thing called life? Let us know here.  We’ll answer back.  We promise.  


The 100% Lean In

Tara 100

I’m always going on and on about how we are in relationship with everyone in our lives, from our barista at Starbucks to whomever we land with in bed at the end of the day, and I also know that each of those relationships can be happily designed. We do this with the 100% lean-in.

Today, I want to focus on Starbucks. Yep, you read that right: it’s a great example of The 100% Lean in, and I think once you understand this, you can apply it all over the place.

Our job, if you will, as a customer at Starbucks, involves the following steps: enter the building (for the sake of argument, let’s not include the drive-through option), walk up to the counter, order our coffee, pay for our coffee, thank the barista, put whatever accoutrements into the coffee, and leave with said coffee. Doing all of these things without any sort of hiccups can be considered showing up for your job at 100%.

The barista’s job is to cheerfully take our order, accept our payment, deliver our beverage to us, and say thank you. Doing all of these things constitutes showing up 100%.

Are you still with me?


What I know is that 100% can look different on different days. I will outline what not-quite 100% looks like and how we can easily adjust to make it so.

100 looks different

Scenario: You get to the counter and realize you have forgotten your wallet in the car and have no way to pay for your beverage. What would make it 100%?: Ask for what you need. Tell the barista what has happened so that your order can be held until you can get your money and the line-up behind you can proceed with their orders.

Scenario: You are in in the middle of an important phone call on your mobile, and while you sincerely wish it would end in time for you to order your coffee, that is not the case, and instead of ordering, you must continue your conversation. (See how I give you the benefit of the doubt that you’re not just standing in line, staring at your phone, oblivious to all that is happening around you?). What would make it 100%?: Step aside, ask the person you are on the call with to give you a moment so you can order, or pretend you just went through a tunnel and hang up (it’s the nature of phones that people are able to call us back—cool, right?).

Scenario: You approach the counter and the barista is telling her co-worker about the wicked concert she saw last night, complete with an air guitar impression. What would make it 100%?: Trick question! This one is on the barista. You’re welcome to get the barista’s attention in a respectful way, but this is really up to the barista to make up the difference, and that is by ending her inappropriate conversation and take your order.

Scenario: The barista is nowhere to be seen and you peer over the counter and see that he is kneeling on the floor putting some cups away behind the counter. How to make it 100%: Again, this is up to the barista to make up. All that is needed is a quick “I’ll be right with you!”

Scenario: Hot coffee in hand, you go to the sugar-adding station and you get stuck behind a guy who has his stuff spread all over everywhere. You can’t even get to the sugar. What would make it 100%?: The guy can turn to you and say, well, anything. “So sorry, I’ll get out of your way” or (this is one I use all the time) “Argh! I’m quite a tornado, aren’t I? Can I pass you the cream?”

What this means for more intimate relationships:

In relationships that run a little deeper than coffee, we can apply these ideas; when you notice that you’re showing up less than your 100% ideal, explain why, and then ask for what you need. Conversely, if your partner is failing to show up and meet your expectations in a way that feels like 100% for you, ask (in a caring way) what is happening that you can maybe be more understanding about. (They may not have ready this post and be as in tune with what 100% looks like!).

A few quick examples come to mind:

● You have a deadline coming up at work and know you will be preoccupied all week. So you ask your partner for their patience and understanding

● You suffer from horrendous seasonal allergies, and your partner has planned a full day of fun on the day you have off together. You ask for a little time for your allergy meds to kick in.

● You meet an old friend for dinner and although you would love to really catch up, you can’t stop thinking about how your grandmother is really sick and you aren’t able to fly out see her. You explain to your friend why you are not really present.

Showing up at 100% looks different on any given day.

The good news is it’s really easy to notice when you’re falling short and ask for what you need to make up the difference.

It’s also worth taking a look at how, in our relationships, we sometimes lean in more or less than 100%, which can lead to resentment, and mistrust and a whole host of other things, but I will leave that for another week. Until then, go grab a coffee at Starbucks, and think of me!

Tara Cafelle Where


Get Real, like Sexy Real



Tara Caffelle is a Relationship and Communication coach.  She is passionate about creating connected, almost-uncomfortable-to-watch relationships that are based in Sexy Communication and Big Lives worth rolling around in.

Tara is based in the Lower Mainland of Vancouver and offers custom-designed coaching programs. To claim your free 90+ minutes and see what might be possible for your own super coupledom (or persondom), find a time here.

Have a question for Tara?  Have an idea for a Hump Day conversation?   How about just some thoughts about this thing called life? Let us know here.  We’ll answer back.  We promise.  

If it ain’t delicious, why eat it

If it ain't delicious

We get offers every day.  We listen to sales pitches ad nauseum.  We see opportunities every hour.  We make decisions every ten seconds (or less!).  How do you know what to choose?

We get up, we create a ‘to do’ list.  We go to bed, we get on ourselves about our ‘to be’ list. We wander through each second, minute, hour, day, week, year, stage, our freakin’ lifetime like we’re in a field of apples and we haven’t got a clue what to eat, and we’re terrified that we can only carry that which we’re able to hold.

How do you know which ones to pick up? Which ones to keep?

Which ones to sink your teeth into?

Follow what is delicious.  That’s what I say. Well, it’s what I say now, but not a few years ago. I heard it from my dear friend of mine, Kiran, Mystic Girl in the City , and the author of Tools for Sanity.

That’s what SHE says.

Do what feels delicious.

One day when I was in the throws of family-mama-pandemonium, I was telling her all of my multiple REASONS WHY everything SUCKED, was FALLING APART and COULD NEVER WORK and WOULD NEVER WORK… and then she lovingly took my entire sucky day apart minute by minute and wove the pieces back together from the perspective of what could’ve happened had I followed my ‘delicious yes’ instead.

I thought she was crazy, or rather, ‘just crazy enough’ as I liked to put it – now it’s sanity man.  Following your delicious yes is LIVING SANITY.

She was right.  The idea of following your delicious yes is as simple as choosing the fork in the road that you sense is the MOST DELICIOUS.

If it doesn’t look delicious, smell delicious, feel delicious, sound delicious, resonate in your hand as delicious… guess what?  It probably ain’t delicious, at least for you, or at least right now.

So don’t eat it.

Put that apple down and walk away. There’s a beautiful ripe, red, shiny one over there – just waiting for you to pick it up because it’s delicious.  Devour it.

Thanks Kiran.  You changed everything that day.

TinaO Your Living Story





TinaO is a writer, speaker and the founder of TinaOLife – a hub for all things worth living for, the workshop Live Your Best Story, and her coaching practice:  Tall Poppy Living. She’s also a professional network marketer with a decade in the industry.  She teaches: selling isn’t slimey and marketing isn’t make-believe.  You can be yourself and be successful in Direct Sales.  

30 Days to Loving Yourself

photo credit Debra Stringfellow
photo credit Debra Stringfellow


Okay, so February is kinda the new January because those of us who didn’t get on the detox, shed weight, eat clean, sweat more track last month are now looking around at everyone else who is either shakin’ it or have already given up, and thinking… Why didn’t I go for it?

Here’s what I think about that:

30 Days to fitness, 30 Days to health, 30 Days of clean eating, 30 Days of sweating, 30 Days of detox, 30 days of organized living, 30 days of sleep, 30 days of meditation, 30 days of yoga… blahbiddy blahbiddy blah blah blah… WILL NOT STICK for 60/90/120/365 days if it doesn’t start with the seed from which all else grows.  Ready?  It’s simple. Now don’t cringe all you skeptics and brooders out there (of which I’m one btw). Don’t turn your nose up at this.  Don’t skim past it because you think it’s overly simplistic and stupid (again, I’m a mega resister too), and for heaven’s sake, CONSIDER just BREATHING while you READ THESE TWO WORDS.



Here’s the deal, when we throw ourselves into 30 days of anything to ‘better’ ourselves, to ‘escape’ ourselves, to ‘change’ who we are – as if who we are isn’t already ENOUGH, we’re already screwed and we haven’t even begun yet.

The habit you’re working on WILL NOT TAKE – and instead will become that new thing on your list of ‘what didn’t work’ – and it’ll hammer another nail into your coffin called ‘what doesn’t work for me’.  Really? Does it not work for you? Really? I’m pretty sure clean eating works for everyone, as does exercise, as does yoga, as does being more organized.  Yes, I just fish smacked you a little bit (that’s a cold fish across the face fyi…).

The habit didn’t take because we did it (and I say we because I have done this numerous times myself) because we were trying to fix ourselves as if we were broken.

Nobody’s broken.

We might be off-course, not honouring our body, not loving our psyche, not paying attention to the needs of our body, mind and soul, but we’re not broken.

Here’s what I suggest:  Start every 30 day ‘fix it’ program with 30 days of SELF-LOVE first. When we make choices for self-growth from a full cup, guess what happens?  We do the do for the betterment of who we are, why we are and what we’re all about.   These habits DO stick.   These habits are easy to return to when we get off track later on. These habits are infused with EMOTION, which transforms the ‘challenge’ into a ‘choice’. Bottomline:  We do what we love.   

30 Days Activities
Photo credit Debra Stringfellow


Here are 30 Days of Self Love Activities to start you off:

  1. Make a list of 10 things you love about yourself.  Just start writing. Don’t think about it and if you can’t think of anything, consider the compliments that others have given you – start there, or think about what you loved about you as a child, those things don’t leave us you know.
  2. Take a nap – because you want to and without justification to anyone else.
  3. Book off a Sunday afternoon for pleasure – sheer pleasure. This may be foreign to you, which of course is a sign there’s something lovely to learn here.
  4. Spend five minutes in the mirror this morning and compliment yourself.  Feels weird, but you’ll soon feel the shift as it lifts your self-esteem.
  5. Go through your day and everything you touch, ask yourself:  Does this nourish me? Does this bring me joy? Do I love this?  Does this have a purpose that makes my life better or brighter?  And if not, consider tossing it.
  6. Pull out a class photo of you from elementary school.  How many names can you remember?  What playful memories come back?
  7. Choose ONE task in your house that makes you crazy because NO ONE ELSE cares about doing it but you.  Then here’s a novel idea, DO IT for YOU.  That kinda passive aggressive ‘waiting until someone thinks you’re important enough to do it for you’ kinda thinking eats away at your self-love tank.  For heaven’s sake, OWN IT.  If it matters to you – do it for you.
  8. Take yourself out on a date. Splurge if you never splurge. Be thrifty if you are never thrifty.
  9. Climb a mountain – okay, go on a hike to some VISTA and throw your arms up in the air toward the sky.  Pull them back in as if you are holding the wind, wonder and welcome of the universe in a massive HUG.  Exclaim something if you feel brave enough like:  I frickin’ rock!!! and I’m loved too!!!!
  10. Lay in the warmest spot in your home with your favourite blanket and/or any other comfort items you may have. Just lay down.
  11. List TEN meals that you drool over.  Figure out how to make them.  Do it.  Love it.  Eat it.
  12. Skin on skin. Love. Tingles. Intimacy. Connection. Enough said, do that.
  13. Go to a book store and run your fingers across the spine of many many many books and see what happens.  Be conscious to what lights up your mind.  Pull out the book(s) that chooses you, sit down for a few minutes and read.  Discover what your mind LOVES to devour.
  14. Use the word DELICIOUS ten times today.
  15. Throw away all of your shoes that leak.
  16. Look at the part of your body that frustrates you the most and find three things this part of your body does FOR YOU (like allows you to walk up stairs, lift your children, digest your food) and say thank you.
  17. Use the word DEVOUR ten times today.
  18. Before your coffee touches your lips, open your front door, take 3 steps OUTSIDE and feel the weather on your skin.  Breathe.  Look up to the sky.  Notice the magnitude of it’s reach.  Remember that this place called Earth is home.  This is your home.
  19. Write the words I BELONG with an erasable felt pen across your bathroom mirror.
  20. Pet an animal.  Pet a few. Look into their eyes and put your head on theirs.  You are part of their world too.
  21. Write your childhood dream down in the middle of a piece of paper E.G. ‘to be a pilot’. On a scale of 1-10, how true is that dream to you now? If it’s a low number, ask yourself: What does being a pilot REPRESENT to me?  E.G. Freedom.  If it’s over 8, then simply leave it as is.  Then turn the page over and on the back side of your ‘dream’ page, write five things you can do this week to see that dream come true.  Listen up, time goes by anyway.  The Q is, how do you want to spend that time?
  22. Make your bed.  Get back in it – just ’cause you can.
  23. Finish this sentence:  When time and money are not an issue for me and I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, the first three things I’m going to do are:  ________
  24. Now act as if… How can you start living that LIST today? Maybe you won’t be moving to Hawaii – or maybe you will, but how can you live as if you did…?
  25. Move your body today.  Sweat if you can.  Breathe deeply if you can’t.  Say thank you to your lungs for breathing.  Say thank you to your heart for beating.  Say thank you to your brain for thinking. This happens without any instruction from you.  How cool is that?
  26. Smile at yourself. You look gooooooood!
  27. Finish this sentence:  I am proud of myself because _______________.
  28. If you were your own lover, what gift would you give to express your love to yourself? Go out and buy, create, or give that gift to YOU!
  29. Finish this sentence:  I need _______________ to feel peaceful.  What do you need? Figure out how to give those necessary needs to yourself.
  30. Add this to your vocabulary and say it when you’re in the shower, when you’re driving to work, when you’re driving home and before you go to sleep.  You rock (insert your name here) and I love you.

30 Days of self love is the foundation to any other 30 day program you start, including mine which is 30 Days to Healthy Living. Don’t even bother checking this out until you’ve given yourself the self-love list first.

TinaO Your Living StoryxxT




TinaO is a writer, speaker and the founder of TinaOLife – a hub for all things worth living for, the workshop Live Your Best Story, and her coaching practice:  Tall Poppy Living. She’s also a professional network marketer with a decade in the industry.  She teaches: selling isn’t slimey and marketing isn’t make-believe.  You can be yourself and be successful in Direct Sales.  

I Love You – She said Quietly

I Love You

So I’m reading Olympic Medalist Clara Hughes’ book Open Heart Open Mind this morning at 4:30am and something interesting happened.   I’m up that early because I’m a hockey mom and I gotta get the boys sorted as they hit the rink before school: put something in their tummy for breakfast, pack a lunch for school, and throw in all the stuff into their pack that they’ll likely forget about. This is the to do list of a forever in training mom for sure.  Our youngest is still in bed – he’s not a hockey kid yet.  I’m crossing my fingers that he falls head over heels in love with the arts so we can skip the third round of early morning family insanity. We shall see.  Passion is as passion does.

The boys and their dad are off by 5:30am and by then I’m too awake to sleep but not quite ready to take on the day, probably because it’s Thursday and I’ve already put in three mom mornings this week so I crawl back into bed and crack open Clara’s book.   My husband bought Open Heart, Open Mind for me for my birthday, probably because her story is coloured with dark corners, her triumphs have sharp edges and her drive is fueled by fire, unstoppable, wild, raw, and almost retchingly honest fire.  Okay so honesty can’t retch, but maybe that’s why writers have been known to say things like:  I just gotta barf it out first, get it on the page, get into the guts of it…

Thank you Clara.   You clearly got into the guts of it and that’s why it’s carrying me away.


I’m only half way through the book but if I had to sum up your message so far I’d say it’s all about ‘self-love’ instead of ‘self-loathing’ right?  Hmmm… such a universal quest to heal the scars of so many.   It’s almost as if getting to that place requires understanding your own Escape Room: an insane past time where people are willing to be pushed, screamed at, and even terrified as they scramble to escape simulated life-threatening situations.  The crazy part about escape rooms is that we get locked into them knowing there is always a way out.  What makes it so intoxicatingly addictive is the adrenaline pumping through our veins as we question whether or not we’ll actually find it. The self-loathing to self-love conundrum is just like that.  The only way to rewire our brains out of self-loathing is to step into our darkest blindspot: self-love.

That’s the thing about blind-spots, they’re bloody obvious once we see them and then they vanish as if they were never there at all.

So there I was at 6am, about a half an hour in to Clara’s book , when, as I’m all curled up and warm, out of my mouth tumbles:  I love you Tina.

I love you Tina.

I’m like: What?

I love you Tina.

Oh.  I thought that came from you.

Okay so I’m no stranger to the self-help world.  I’ve read Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life.  I’ve affirmed my way into a happier disposition, I know how to talk to myself when I need to pull my sorry behind out of a crap load of poor me, or a give my brain an etch a sketch shake and redraw a nasty perspective into a positive one.   Oh yes, I get the whole self-talk thing but that’s not what happened.  I wasn’t standing in front of the mirror talking into my own eyes, or reading a magic yellow affirmation sticky, or even writing in my gratitude journal (I don’t have a gratitude journal shhhh..).   Nope, I was in the fetal position, feet tucked under the covers, ankles crossed with one fist under my right cheek and the other cupping the edges of the book.  I was in lala land and then out of nowhere, my inner me, the one who feels the same now at 45yrs as it did at 7yrs blurted out I Love You Tina just so I could hear it.  It tumbled easily out of my mouth, and out loud.

My next thought was:  ‘uhhhh… how did that happen?  Ohhhh… and I do this to my kids all the time.  I tell them I love them just ’cause. It’s not a daily do, or an affirmation, or a mindset reset at all, it’s just because it’s true. I love them.’

So Clara – that may not have been the goal for your readers by page 112, but that’s what happened to me.

I love you Tina, I said to myself without any agenda at all.  I love you – probably because it’s true.  I do.

How about you?

p.s.  I’m at the top of chapter 14 – Salt Lake City Olympics are next.   Mmmm… can’t wait.  

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