Live Your Best Story

Enter a weekend of deep-listening








One on One Coaching


Listen to What Matters to You

I am no longLive Your Best Story Cieler willing to believe that my art career has to wait till some magical time in the future. I am an artist who has been working as a coach. Waiting for that day when I could justify making my art full time. During the Live Your Best Story event on Bowen Island I reclaimed my best. My best is bringing beauty into the world through my creative mediums. Books, textiles, jewellery, and paintings. I encourage all of you to consider what you may be truly called to and what thoughts have you believe that’s not possible.  I can highly recommend this program. I know for me it has changed my life.   

Ciel Ellis – Life Coach, Artisan and Licensed Facilitator of Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map

Tina has aLive Your Best Story Rob  unique ability to listen to a person’s words and hear their heart talking. I attended her first full length Live Your Best Story workshop and was struck by her skill as a facilitator. Her ability to drive to the core of an issue and apply learnings to both the personal and business realms helped me to better understand where I need balance and where I need to push for growth.

Rob Bancroft – Financial Consultant

I had beenLive Your Best Story Deanna feeling lately that something was missing. My creative passion was lacking. and as an artist that’s…NOT GOOD.  And this weekend, on a mystically rainy island with an amazing group of souls I found the COLOUR in my life again. I am so very grateful for the time I took for me and to everyone who was there who did the same for themselves and in the end it became something so much more. So I say to all of you, my friends, Don’t be afraid to Live Your Best Story. We only have one story to tell…

Deanna Overland – Director, Actor, Dancer, Teacher

Meet the Facilitators 

TinaO – Core Story Specialist
Dr. Carolyn Nesbitt – Therapist and Meditation Coach
Nicolle Nattrass – Creative Self-Care Coach & Addictions Counsellor

Live Your Best Story is a transformational weekend retreat held at locations around the globe. Live Your Best Story offers a rich variety of experiences designed to reconnect you to your life, your instincts, creativity and intuition.

Live Your Best Story

LIVE with TinaO

Your Living Story is the jumble of all that you are in the moment: your thoughts, feelings, words, insights, protection and expression as they happen all at once in a single breath. It is how your unconscious story often speaks before you do, without even saying a word. Friday night is about coming home to yourself, and claiming your story. Tina works with each participant reconnecting them to their Living Story – this is what wants to be known right now. It’s an enlightening evening of listening as your speaking, allowing your innate intelligence or life-force to be seen. Tina is a Living Story Coach who encourages you to step-up and deliver your absolute best.

YOUR – All

Stories are like children. They will keep asking for your attention until you give it to them. Today is that day. In this highly experiential day of personal time you will enjoy Xenia’s Labyrinth, meet Opa, explore silence, journal, meet your artist-self, write, share and use laughter as a way of letting go. Story is everywhere and you are an expressive being. Through partner work, conversation, play, thought, colour, paint and more, Saturday connects you back to your unique and vibrant story called life. In story, just as in life, there are no mistakes, only choices. Every decision you make strengthens your resources and intensifies your wisdom. Saturday is about remembering where you’ve been and honouring the story of who you are today.

Live Your Best Story

BEST with Dr. Carolyn Nesbitt

Imagine that you can access your best at any time and bring it into all areas of your life. You are resourced with more courage, more compassion, you have access to deeper wisdom and generosity, you experience more resilience as you step into a life with greater joy and possibility. That is what it feels like to be at our best. Living at your best begins with creating peace with your potential while stepping boldly into what is possible. With experiential group exercises and one on one coaching, Carolyn helps you reclaim your sense of ‘best’, without comparison and always with curiosity and celebration. Carolyn is a Registered Psychologist and the founder of

STORY with Nicolle Nattrass / TinaO

Before you were born, or launched your business baby, you had a story. Once on your feet, a new one took shape and then, as your self established, and your brand developed, yet another story was told. Today you may be looking back at the legacy you created and are asking

“Is this what I am?
Is this what I do?
Is this what I want to say?”

At LYBS we call your “old stories” an access point to wisdom, and with Nicolle, your STORY is celebrated as your birthright. You will LISTEN so as to LEARN from your own story, be it personal or professional, your story is always profound. Nicolle lives and works on beautiful Vancouver Island, BC Canada

Live Your Best Story

5 thoughts on “Live Your Best Story

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