
Sometimes you tell the story, and sometimes the story tells you.

Whether you are writing your book, healing your heart, or exploring well-being through the expressive arts, story work is a dance of listening, creating and communicating from your core.

The stories of who we are live in our body, in the land we are from, and from the way we paint the world with our expression.

This is Story From the Core, and it’s why you’re here.


Through her raw honesty and transparency, she creates a space where individuals feel seen, heard, and understood. Her ability to connect on a human level transcends barriers, fostering empathy and understanding among diverse audiences. But perhaps what is most remarkable about Tina is her insatiable curiosity, her relentless pursuit of knowledge and growth. In a world hungry for authentic voices and meaningful connections, Tina stands out. To witness her in action is to experience the transformative power of story.

Christina Benty, Strategic Leadership Solutions

 At her core, Tina is a storyteller with an ability to see right into you and pull the story of who you ARE out of your deepest hiding places, enabling you to run where you could previously only crawl. She is a fireball of delight, in whose presence you feel heard, seen, understood and ALIVE.

Tom Lancaster, Altitude Evolution

 Something indescribable happens when you feel safe, supported, and protected. You allow yourself to remember. To honour The Story, your story. Sometimes it’s painful when healing is present. The fullest expression of the gift that is our life happens with the time, space, and teachers needed to remember our whole story. Her patience, kindness, devotion to Story and innate gifts as a listener and story keeper are like nothing I have ever experienced before.

Charlene SanJenko, Impact Media Producer, reGEN Media


 One of the greatest human needs is the need to be witnessed. Tina creates and holds sacred safe space for me to share my story. She asks thoughtful clarifying questions, so she deeply understands my share and then she offers observations that help me to get clear and challenges me to go deeper and expand my perspective. In a society where everything is moving faster, taking the time to slow down with Tina has been invaluable.

Tammara Kennelly, President Friesen Press