OMYGOD by Tina Overbury is a mythic and redemptive tale about the women we’ve burned, the babies we’ve buried and the Gods we have worshipped.
You are invited to Christina’s 50th Birthday non-party as she explains to us why she is not crazy for following a persistent yet bizarre call to leave her home of Turtle Island (North America) and travel to Eire (Ireland), after watching a news story about a mass grave of ‘unnamed babies’ outside a Mother and Baby Home in Tuam County Galway, Ireland. You are greeted by The Morrigan, a triple goddess of the Tuatha de dannan who has been called forward by Christina’s daily practice of lighting three fires.
Each of the three sisters of The Morrigan: Badb, Nemain, and Macha carry a message for Christina to help her with her journey of reconciliation, and to remind her of who she really is.

A webseries/podcast featuring TinaO (writer/performer) Dr. T (music producer/songwriter/pianist), two artists who have surrendered their heart to art. This is what life looks like when making art is driving the bus.