Writing Group

Tuesday Nights

This is our writing community. Every Tuesday night, we practice.

It’s light. It’s fun.

We learn. We try things.

We write.

If you’ve never written before – don’t worry, we got you. If you’re experienced, awesome. We also got you. This is a two hour block of time that you prioritize in your calendar to get words on the page.

Writing is a craft. It’s an art form. It’s a practice.

If you want to be in community with me, this is how we do it.

5:30 PDT

First 45 Minutes

5 minutes – Greeting, Smiling, Chuckling

20 minutes – Who are you today? Where are you? Whatcha workin’ on?

10 minute – Writing tip & Writing Prompt

5 minute – Group Timed Writing

1 hour


15 minutes

Closing – Encourage. Share.

Examples from our five minute timed writing

Holy Crap Martha…

I Want to Take You With Me…

There Once Was a Woman Who…

I Knew There’d Be Trouble…

All of These Yawning Spaces…

I Know It’s All Been Said Before…

I Don’t Know What It is But It Makes Me Cry…