Dear Tina, Tell me About Tired

Dear Tina, tell me about tired.

Tell me about tired because it’s a constant I see on me, and on other people. 

Tired, Tina is a place to live in, a land to visit, a place to put up camp, a place to build shop, a home for dead relationships, a cemetery of sorts that we choose to walk on. 

When you are tired Tina, you are walking on dead things and disturbing their rest so their hands reach up to grab you to remind you to move on. 

We are dead, we are your past, we are yesterday. This is not your home it is ours.  Move on from here. Your life is not in this pasture. 

Dead tired is the title of that story. 

Tired that is physical is very different. It’s the home you live in telling you its boards are creaking and needs to be warmed up, loved and cared for.

It’s the cold air in your home saying, we need you.  We are lonely and so we are cold. You are abandoning me and so we are cold. 
It is the door frames of your home sagging sagging sagging from the weight of holding holding holding, and the doors begin to want to stay closed and not open anymore. 

A physical tired needs rest, needs care, needs attention, needs you to hold it. 

The tired of weary is the tired of the trekker, the tired of the quest, the tired of the road, the journey of not seeing the shore. 

The weary tired is a tired of transformation, it’s not tired at all, it’s masked as tired, it’s fear of the unknown telling you I’m afraid we’re going nowhere – it’s asking you to listen to the feet on the path, listen to the ground or the water or the air touching your feet.  

Listen intently. Listen deeply. Listen as there are choices to be made from the stories you are ignoring. 

Tired is a story with so much information in it. 


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TinaO is a writer, speaker and the founder of TinaOLife – a hub for all things worth living for, the workshop Live Your Best Story, and her coaching practice: Tall Poppy Living. She’s also a professional network marketer with a decade in the industry and with her Tall Poppy Living for Network Marketers Coaching Program, she teaches: selling isn’t slimey and marketing isn’t make-believe. You can be yourself and be successful in Direct Sales.