Blog- PowHERcircle


About to jump on with PowHERhouse Media Group for their 7×7 powHERcircle challenge to speak in to the importance of deep listening.

The human psyche can only hold so much.

The body can only perform so far.

But the spirit of us is limitless. It is fuel is limitless when we keep ourselves ‘plugged in’ so to speak.

It’s January. We have set goals. We have closed doors. We have cast a vision. Our focus and ‘work’ (and I use that word lightly) has begun.

We are going to get tired. You can count on it. We live in a human body.

We are going to be heart broken. Great risk of true heart and grit will take us into the unknown where we will grow and you can’t grow in a marshmallow. There IS resistance. There will be disappointment and choices to stay down or get up.

So we nourish our body to hold us.

We feed our minds to discern for us.

We listen to our spirit, like we would a lover, someone we hold dearer to ourselves than we ever thought possible. We listen. We listen. We listen.

We honour.

And we follow out inner wisdom.

There’s gonna be days where we’ve given ‘rrrrr and are triumphant and days were face down in the mud and the part of us who picks ourselves up and dusts ourselves off and notices the insight from what just ‘happened’ is the part of us who can ‘hear’.

It’s a practice.

And it’s a fuel tank which is never empty and will never leave you.

Spirit is in our business.

Our work is sacred.

Your instrument of a ‘self’ is made for what you do.


Tina Overbury is a core-communications specialist who works with individuals and organizations who feel called. She is a storyteller, performer, and a professional listener who works with narrative and story structure as a vehicle for human connection. Her work is rooted in Myth, Mysticism, and the practice of personal faith. She brings thirty years of collaborative storytelling in theatre, film, marketing, team based selling, and workshop facilitation. She is the founder of Live Your Best Story, a weekend retreat of deep listening held on Bowen Island, BC, Canada and is the voice and story behind TinaOLife, home to Story Stones, TinaO’s weekly online gathering of listening in to sacred stories. Tina is a proud associate of PowHERhouse media where she listens and supports the ‘stories’ of whole and integrated leaders of tomorrow. 

If you would like to know more about Tina’s approach to story, click here

Audio-#5 Story from the car- Moment

These are the days. 

I listen to people. 

I listen to spaces. 

I listen to spaces between people. 

I listen to spaces between words. 

I listen for impact. 

I listen for guidance. 

I listen to what you are saying but isn’t on the surface yet. 

Today I want to talk about the word Moment. And words are powerful things. Words are condensed experiences, meanings, thoughts, and vibration, all of it. 

All of it. 

All wrapped up into letters. 

The letters we are jumping into today is: moment, because these are the moments. 

We are in dense times. 

Thick times. 

There is actually nowhere to run.

There is really nowhere for the thoughts in our head to run.

We are spending more time alone.

Tina Overbury is a core-communications specialist who works with individuals and organizations who feel called. She is a storyteller, performer, and a professional listener who works with narrative and story structure as a vehicle for human connection. Her work is rooted in Myth, Mysticism, and the practice of personal faith. She brings thirty years of collaborative storytelling in theatre, film, marketing, team based selling, and workshop facilitation. She is the founder of Live Your Best Story, a weekend retreat of deep listening held on Bowen Island, BC, Canada and is the voice and story behind TinaOLife, home to Story Stones, TinaO’s online gathering of listening in to sacred stories. Tina is a proud associate of PowHERhouse media where she listens and supports the ‘stories’ of whole and integrated leaders of tomorrow. 

If you would like to know more about Tina’s approach to story, click here

Blog- This is the time to

This is the time to:

show people how much you love them. 

show people how willing you are to stand by them. 

show people how good you are. 

show people your patience. 

show people your vulnerability.

show people your humanity. 

hold on to your dignity. 

honour the dignity in others. 


Because this is what fosters hope.

It’s not words.

It’s your actions.

It’s not promises.

It’s your decisions.

It’s not ideas

It’s our doing which becomes our being.

We can always remember the love we are capable of.

Because hope matters, and speaking it, branding it, preaching it, and buying it or selling it is not how we believe it.

we gotta live it.

we gotta live it to give it.

This is the story of us.

Now is always the time to live it so we can give it.

Hope is living with a heart which is always big enough to share…


Tina Overbury is a core-communications specialist who works with individuals and organizations who feel called. She is a storyteller, performer, and a professional listener who works with narrative and story structure as a vehicle for human connection. Her work is rooted in Myth, Mysticism, and the practice of personal faith. She brings thirty years of collaborative storytelling in theatre, film, marketing, team based selling, and workshop facilitation. She is the founder of Live Your Best Story, a weekend retreat of deep listening held on Bowen Island, BC, Canada and is the voice and story behind TinaOLife, home to Story Stones, TinaO’s weekly online gathering of listening in to sacred stories. Tina is a proud associate of PowHERhouse media where she listens and supports the ‘stories’ of whole and integrated leaders of tomorrow. 

If you would like to know more about Tina’s approach to story, click here

Audio-#4 Story from the Car-Gifting

This little rumination comes to you on a day where the world is just a little bit different. 

This is the new normal. 

We are in it. 

Some of us may be walking around with a few more scratches and bruises to our belief, and I suppose some of us might have put up some extra layers of protection as well. 

Today I want to talk a little bit about our gifting, and for those of you who don’t know my work: I am TinaO, and I’m a Core Story specialist. I’m a listener and in my gifting, that’s what I do. I listen.

In that space, I hear the narrative that is of you, and the language put on that narrative. 

This is just my fancy way of saying you’re going to say stuff, and then I’m going to feel it and reflect it back to you in a ding ding ding ding ding.

Let’s talk about your gifting. 

Have a listen…

Tina Overbury is a core-communications specialist who works with individuals and organizations who feel called. She is a storyteller, performer, and a professional listener who works with narrative and story structure as a vehicle for human connection. Her work is rooted in Myth, Mysticism, and the practice of personal faith. She brings thirty years of collaborative storytelling in theatre, film, marketing, team based selling, and workshop facilitation. She is the founder of Live Your Best Story, a weekend retreat of deep listening held on Bowen Island, BC, Canada and is the voice and story behind TinaOLife, home to Story Stones, TinaO’s online gathering of listening in to sacred stories. Tina is a proud associate of PowHERhouse media where she listens and supports the ‘stories’ of whole and integrated leaders of tomorrow. 

If you would like to know more about Tina’s approach to story, click here