Blog-Wig Out

I was still fresh into the new year when I had my first almost wig-out as I left the house.

You have a routine. I do too. But routine is different than rhythm. We each have a personal wave of music within us, it’s our signature of how we move. I am not a sprinter. I have always been a long distance runner, hiker and one day (help!), a swimmer too. I’m immersive. I descend. I climb. I rest and reflect on the flat parts.

When I remember that, my days are easier for me. I can find the sweet spot I am made as rather than reach for.

There is no sweet spot.

We ARE the sweet spot.

This year I’m unpacking and unpinning the habitual pattern I’ve created which is NOT my rhythm, but has been my pattern for years called: muther f*k’r panic and pandemonium as I leave the house.

I haven’t changed my timing yet, which I may, but not yet.

I am changing what I honour. This year my word is devotion. I am devoted to living.

Punctuated panic reminds me… oooops, take a breath of love Tina. Take a moment of air. Take a second… have a second of devotion. Like mini prayers of yes.

Mini prayers of yes.

I like the sound of that.

This is my hair flying down the hill as I’m almost, but not, running for the boat. I even managed to consciously chat with my son before I dropped him at school.

So much so that he hugged me (like he initiated) before he left me for the day.

Meanwhile I was rummaging through my bag and muttering… damn… where’s my wallet? Did I forget my wallet? Oh no… but I didn’t, it was on the seat.

That was a 7 out of 10 rhythm morning with just a titch of panic. Not bad.

I am devoted to living.

Nailin’ it this year..

Tina Overbury is a core-communications specialist who works with individuals and organizations who feel called. She is a storyteller, performer, and a professional listener who works with narrative and story structure as a vehicle for human connection. Her work is rooted in Myth, Mysticism, and the practice of personal faith. She brings thirty years of collaborative storytelling in theatre, film, marketing, team based selling, and workshop facilitation. She is the founder of Live Your Best Story, a weekend retreat of deep listening held on Bowen Island, BC, Canada and is the voice and story behind TinaOLife, home to Story Stones, TinaO’s weekly online gathering of listening in to sacred stories. Tina is a proud associate of PowHERhouse media where she listens and supports the ‘stories’ of whole and integrated leaders of tomorrow. 

If you would like to know more about Tina’s approach to story, click here

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