Story from the car-Grace

I need to change this up a little bit. I just do. In light of the world and the constant evolution of the story I serve, I need to be in service of the emerging story in front of me. I am a story coach, keeper, tracker and a story listener.  These Stories from the Car started out as a way to unpack words because of the energy they carry.

I’m feeling reeeeeeeeeeeeeally compelled to jump into the space of myth these days. I want to talk about the state of being when we’re there – and make no mistake, this is exactly where we are right now. Myth is the state following the path of what we think we don’t know. It is both comfort and discomfort. It is the walking in ultimate faith and trust, yet still unknown, and it can’t be known, ever in its entirety. That’s not how myth works. 

I’ve done a lot of listening these days and we are so addicted to safety. I get it. We are hardwired for safety. This is not a shame thing about clambering for knowledge. It is the way we are made, and in the biological state of needing to know in order to feel safe, the invitation is to remind ourselves that we live in the ultimate unknown… 

I invite us all to remember grace…

To find out more about TinaO’s upcoming book: Story Stones and performances of her solo show O MY God, click here.

Bio Photo

Tina Overbury is a core-communications specialist who works with individuals and organizations who feel called. She is a storyteller, performer, and a professional listener who works with narrative and story structure as a vehicle for human connection. Her work is rooted in Myth, Mysticism, and the practice of personal faith. She brings thirty years of collaborative storytelling in theatre, film, marketing, team based selling, and workshop facilitation. She is the founder of Live Your Best Story, a weekend retreat of deep listening held on Bowen Island, BC, Canada and is the voice and story behind TinaOLife, home to Story Stones, TinaO’s weekly online gathering of listening in to sacred stories. Tina is a proud associate of PowHERhouse media where she listens and supports the ‘stories’ of whole and integrated leaders of tomorrow. 

If you would like to know more about Tina’s approach to story, click here

Blog – Myth you are made for

Calling up the myth you are made for

Over a year ago a group of us gathered at UBlossom retreats as facilitators of various workshops: breath, story, creative journaling, social media and more.

In the gathering lodge on Saturday night one of us stretched out across the floor and starting rolling.

Another one of us groaned and followed and pretty soon there were five of us rolling across the floor giggling and breathing and letting the weight of our body melt into the board beneath us, massaging our spine and out shoulders.

When we sat up we landed deep into a diverse conversation about our understanding of God. And let me tell you, it was a broad swath of a story.

One person is a Jesus follower, another Stardust, another Story, another Creator, and still another, the Universe. And there we were talking about our businesses, our revenue streams, our goals and manifestations and our relationships, all through the lens of our very unique interpretations and experiences of God.

Might I mention, we ate cheesies, drank wine and pulled chocolate out of our pockets.

At the next retreat, it happened again, except this time in a cabin by the fire talking about patriarchy, what is personal power, how to read scripture, poetry, what is prayer, and kegals (yes – the vaginal floor kind). Again, with so much laughter and depth in all the same moments.

And tears. I was just going through a break-up and my heart felt like it had been ripped out of my chest.

Since then we’ve been gathering in a private online group to support each other, to pray into each other, share entrepreneurial clarity, and to reflect about our energetic hits on certain decisions we’ve made. We’re a circle.

And this year we’ve decided to meet on purpose as a wisdom circle for each other.

We met this weekend at my little cabin by the sea. Out of the weekend came a message for me: ‘Calling up the Myth you are Made For’.

It was un-mistakeable like a direction, so that is what I will continue to do…

…Only this year – it has become the focus of my impact.

In times of great global change, it’s who we are at the core of our making which is called upon.

All of our painful and exquisite experiences has made us.

It’s part of the myth of us.

Imagine if you lived your life in the grit and greatness of your myth. What then? 

Tina Overbury is a core-communications specialist who works with individuals and organizations who feel called. She is a storyteller, performer, and a professional listener who works with narrative and story structure as a vehicle for human connection. Her work is rooted in Myth, Mysticism, and the practice of personal faith. She brings thirty years of collaborative storytelling in theatre, film, marketing, team based selling, and workshop facilitation. She is the founder of Live Your Best Story, a weekend retreat of deep listening held on Bowen Island, BC, Canada and is the voice and story behind TinaOLife, home to Story Stones, TinaO’s weekly online gathering of listening in to sacred stories. Tina is a proud associate of PowHERhouse media where she listens and supports the ‘stories’ of whole and integrated leaders of tomorrow. 

If you would like to know more about Tina’s approach to story, click here