Blog- This Grief

Yes. This. I walk with this daily. It’s my latest companion, as is friendship. They came as a package. As I let my heart soften, let the broken bits through, and came apart a number of times over the last four months, I also landed in some amazing laps of friendship.

Grief and Friendship came as a package deal for me this year.

What is your word for 2020? Mine is Devotion… every week I get why that word chose me a little bit more.




Feel your feet in the earth.

Every day:




Sky (stone).

We are always home.


Tina Overbury is a core-communications specialist who works with individuals and organizations who feel called. She is a storyteller, performer, and a professional listener who works with narrative and story structure as a vehicle for human connection. Her work is rooted in Myth, Mysticism, and the practice of personal faith. She brings thirty years of collaborative storytelling in theatre, film, marketing, team based selling, and workshop facilitation. She is the founder of Live Your Best Story, a weekend retreat of deep listening held on Bowen Island, BC, Canada and is the voice and story behind TinaOLife, home to Story Stones, TinaO’s weekly online gathering of listening in to sacred stories. Tina is a proud associate of PowHERhouse media where she listens and supports the ‘stories’ of whole and integrated leaders of tomorrow. 

If you would like to know more about Tina’s approach to story, click here

Blog – Dominance Model

My heart pleads out to those who are still in the ‘game’ of hierarchy within the dominance model. It’s not capitalism which is the ideological problem, and it’s not socialism which is the idealistic solution (therein also a problem), its dominance as a ‘structure’, where we believe we can play alpha with nature/god/creation itself which is where we are stuck.

Whatever motivates us to lay it down, to give it up, to simply STOP believing we can WIN over anything… like anything… (like there’s anything to win OVER anyway), is our call now.

Nature always wins.

It isn’t about paying penance – not in my way of thinking anyway, and it’s also not random.

My guess is that most of us in North America think we are ‘beyond it, or or have been so far removed from what survival actually feels like that we forget the importance of taking care of each other with each word and action.

I’m praying, chanting, breathing, storytelling – for well-being.

No one deserves pain, or this virus, or violence.

I have a bit of a thing about ‘justice’. I wonder if the word justice exists beyond a model of dominance?

Hierarchy I understand – it’s a container for our safety.

Dominance – not so much. That’s power ‘over’ and in that someone always feels ‘less-than’, or ‘owned’.

I wonder if this time of great impact is a reminder to all of us that we are never, ever, like ever going to be ‘above’ the true force of life itself.

Call it God, nature, source, creation, the mystery… whatevs…

We are not stronger than life itself.

Be well.

Soft hearts.

Grace to all.

Practice equality.


Tina Overbury is a core-communications specialist who works with individuals and organizations who feel called. She is a storyteller, performer, and a professional listener who works with narrative and story structure as a vehicle for human connection. Her work is rooted in Myth, Mysticism, and the practice of personal faith. She brings thirty years of collaborative storytelling in theatre, film, marketing, team based selling, and workshop facilitation. She is the founder of Live Your Best Story, a weekend retreat of deep listening held on Bowen Island, BC, Canada and is the voice and story behind TinaOLife, home to Story Stones, TinaO’s weekly online gathering of listening in to sacred stories. Tina is a proud associate of PowHERhouse media where she listens and supports the ‘stories’ of whole and integrated leaders of tomorrow. 

If you would like to know more about Tina’s approach to story, click here

Audio-#5 Story from the car- Moment

These are the days. 

I listen to people. 

I listen to spaces. 

I listen to spaces between people. 

I listen to spaces between words. 

I listen for impact. 

I listen for guidance. 

I listen to what you are saying but isn’t on the surface yet. 

Today I want to talk about the word Moment. And words are powerful things. Words are condensed experiences, meanings, thoughts, and vibration, all of it. 

All of it. 

All wrapped up into letters. 

The letters we are jumping into today is: moment, because these are the moments. 

We are in dense times. 

Thick times. 

There is actually nowhere to run.

There is really nowhere for the thoughts in our head to run.

We are spending more time alone.

Tina Overbury is a core-communications specialist who works with individuals and organizations who feel called. She is a storyteller, performer, and a professional listener who works with narrative and story structure as a vehicle for human connection. Her work is rooted in Myth, Mysticism, and the practice of personal faith. She brings thirty years of collaborative storytelling in theatre, film, marketing, team based selling, and workshop facilitation. She is the founder of Live Your Best Story, a weekend retreat of deep listening held on Bowen Island, BC, Canada and is the voice and story behind TinaOLife, home to Story Stones, TinaO’s online gathering of listening in to sacred stories. Tina is a proud associate of PowHERhouse media where she listens and supports the ‘stories’ of whole and integrated leaders of tomorrow. 

If you would like to know more about Tina’s approach to story, click here

Audio-#4 Story from the Car-Gifting

This little rumination comes to you on a day where the world is just a little bit different. 

This is the new normal. 

We are in it. 

Some of us may be walking around with a few more scratches and bruises to our belief, and I suppose some of us might have put up some extra layers of protection as well. 

Today I want to talk a little bit about our gifting, and for those of you who don’t know my work: I am TinaO, and I’m a Core Story specialist. I’m a listener and in my gifting, that’s what I do. I listen.

In that space, I hear the narrative that is of you, and the language put on that narrative. 

This is just my fancy way of saying you’re going to say stuff, and then I’m going to feel it and reflect it back to you in a ding ding ding ding ding.

Let’s talk about your gifting. 

Have a listen…

Tina Overbury is a core-communications specialist who works with individuals and organizations who feel called. She is a storyteller, performer, and a professional listener who works with narrative and story structure as a vehicle for human connection. Her work is rooted in Myth, Mysticism, and the practice of personal faith. She brings thirty years of collaborative storytelling in theatre, film, marketing, team based selling, and workshop facilitation. She is the founder of Live Your Best Story, a weekend retreat of deep listening held on Bowen Island, BC, Canada and is the voice and story behind TinaOLife, home to Story Stones, TinaO’s online gathering of listening in to sacred stories. Tina is a proud associate of PowHERhouse media where she listens and supports the ‘stories’ of whole and integrated leaders of tomorrow. 

If you would like to know more about Tina’s approach to story, click here

Audio- #3 Story from the car- Value

These stories from the car are a listening in to one particular word we really want to dive into and today the word is VALUE.

Truthfully, I get hits on things when a word just rumbles in and doesn’t want to leave me.

So this word of value is what I invite us into today.

Even as I say value, it seems kind of mundane. Kind of boring. I have this box of chicken strips and two tubes of ground beef in the back of my car, and I am fortunate enough during this pandemic that the local pub has agreed to place orders on behalf of us islanders to offset the pressure on the general store, but also to keep us from having to go into the city to shop.

That is value. 

But I’m also a single mom to three kids and I need to get value for my money. That’s a different kind of value. But it’s always an in and an out. Isn’t it? 

Or is it?

Tina Overbury is a core-communications specialist who works with individuals and organizations who feel called. She is a storyteller, performer, and a professional listener who works with narrative and story structure as a vehicle for human connection. Her work is rooted in Myth, Mysticism, and the practice of personal faith. She brings thirty years of collaborative storytelling in theatre, film, marketing, team based selling, and workshop facilitation. She is the founder of Live Your Best Story, a weekend retreat of deep listening held on Bowen Island, BC, Canada and is the voice and story behind TinaOLife, home to Story Stones, TinaO’s online gathering of listening in to sacred stories. Tina is a proud associate of PowHERhouse media where she listens and supports the ‘stories’ of whole and integrated leaders of tomorrow. 

If you would like to know more about Tina’s approach to story, click here