It’s not a Career, it’s a Body of Work

I'm TinaO

For the last four years I’ve stumbled when people have asked me what I do.

It’s because I’m an entrepreneur.

It’s because I’m an artist.

It’s because I’m a network marketer.

It’s because I’m a full time mom.

It’s because I’m a body of work, not a career.

TinaO Your Living Story





TinaO is a writer, speaker and the founder of TinaOLife – a hub for all things worth living for, the workshop Live Your Best Story, and her coaching practice:  Tall Poppy Living. She’s also a professional network marketer with a decade in the industry.  She teaches: selling isn’t slimey and marketing isn’t make-believe.  You can be yourself and be successful in Direct Sales.  

What was I Thinking?

What was I thinking

Another list.  Another ridiculous guffaw I frequently have with myself – usually when I’m driving.  Sorry gang.  I try not to drive after 6pm because I’m too busy laughing at how insane I am to be considered ‘safe’ behind the wheel after six.

Who needs a phone to distract you from driving when you have a list like this?  Want to have some fun? Come up with your own top ten – but fair warning, don’t drive when you’re thinking about it.

Here’s how it starts:


  • As I flung my eight year old yelling self over the staircase banister desperate to be heard through the double doors where a boy I was teasing stood.  J E N S E N ! ! !   I screeched until I fell ass over tea kettle down two flights of stairs. Cracked my jaw too (just a little but enough that there’s still a bump). Thanks Laverne for dragging my blacked out self to the office that day.
with Laverne 36 years after the banister incident.
with Laverne 36 years after the banister incident.
  • As I claimed bankruptcy over $20,000 in debt when I was only 27 years old.  Oh gawddddddd… really?   If only I knew my own earning potential back then. 
  • As I believed that guy who said he was only sleeping with me.  Jeeeeeee Whizzzzzzzzzz. 
  • As I had a freakin’ thirty-something temper tantrum and threw a chair into a wall – yup, the kids and I still laugh full out about that one.  …we can still see the legs sticking out of the wall. 
  • As I hung the family Christmas lights without a ladder, without a step stool, without anything but the back of the couch (you know, the really skinny part that’s for BACKS and not FEET?), only to quickly scramble down in order to change a poopy diaper, land on the baby’s ukulele, twist my ankle and not be able to breathe for 30 seconds because of the pain. ‘Don’t touch me I seethed.  Just let me lay here for a minute.’ 
  • As I believed my college drama teachers who said I wasn’t an actor.  I believed them. I actually believed them. Dumb dumb dumb dumb powerless and ahhhhhh done. Sometimes I wonder if they were right only because I believed them. What would’ve happened if I had believed in myself more?
  • As I made three short films with no budget. Funny how not knowing what can’t be done usually translates into doing it. 
  • As I talked on my cel phone, pumped breast milk and DROVE all at the same time (pre-hands free driving folks just sayin…).
  • As I pretended that I wasn’t sure if I believe in God because it was easier than having a faith I didn’t understand.
  • As I almost gave up on being me as if I could ever run that fast or that far.

Here’s to you and being all that you are in whatever form you’re currently showing up as.  You’re funny man.  Ridiculous even. Welcome to the club.

TinaO Your Living Story





TinaO is a writer, speaker and the founder of TinaOLife – a hub for all things worth living for, the workshop Live Your Best Story, and her coaching practice:  Tall Poppy Living. She’s also a professional network marketer with a decade in the industry.  She teaches: selling isn’t slimey and marketing isn’t make-believe.  You can be yourself and be successful in Direct Sales.  





Don’t Die Living Someone Else’s Story

TinaO_PowHERtalks 365






I was insanely nervous.  No kidding.  I had decided to show up and speak from the stage fully alive and semi-prepared.  Well, not true, I was fully prepared and by choice, only semi rehearsed.

I had an idea of what the beginning would be and I had a thought about how how the story would end, after all, I was connecting the dots between various moments in my own life plus, I understand the structure of a great ending:  it has to be surprising but inevitable (thank you Roger Larry for your film-making tip that stuck).

Surprising but inevitable…

Well, how just like life that is isn’t it?  It always makes sense when you track it back from the end.  That’s easy.  Ha ha… but did you know that everything makes sense as it unfolds too – only that’s the hard part because it requires trusting the process.

Watch this clip about how I came to trust my own living story as I shared a powHERtalk with an audience.

If only I had remembered to breathe at the beginning, perhaps my voice wouldn’t have dropped quite so far.  Ah well, if that had happened, sure I would’ve ”sounded” better, but that’s not how this piece wanted to live.

Hello again Hello…

Why die living someone else’s story? How about living yours instead.  Click here for our upcoming workshop.






Tina Overbury is the founder of the Live Your Best Story weekend Retreat and facilitates the Living Story portion of the weekend.

January 1st – Ten Reasons Why

Jan 1st Why

What have I done?  Did I really decide to share my life with you every day? Doesn’t that require writing?  A commitment?  You see, I have this issue with ‘have to’s’, even when they start out as a ‘want to’.  No kidding.  Oh no… and then there’s that grammar and spelling thing.  I’m a pretty good speller but I’m not a detail gal.  Damnit, I’m going to have crazy ass mistakes out there for the world to see.  Okay, well, the world is a big place so, correct that:  I’m writing a blog post every day for the next 365 days for a lot of people to see.  

Yes I do care if it’s read.  

Yes I do care if it grows.  

Yes I do care if there’s an audience for this.

Come on now, if I wanted to write for myself, I’d write in my journal or I’d go for a hike and talk to myself (and yes I do these things too).    This is for you as much as it is for me.  So here goes:  I am writing a post to you, sharing my life with you, my insights, my stumbles, my FU’s, my ridiculousness and depth for the next 365 days because:  


#1 – Having the world as an audience means there’s nowhere to hide, and with that, the gift of honesty continues to give generously – and likely more to me than to you.  

#2 – I know that I can’t say that I actually KNOW anything, as in for sure, as in take it to my grave, and I’m so tired of the expert industry – of the insanity of people thinking they know what’s best for people they don’t even know.  I mean, really? As if they could.   Yeeeeesh.  Nope.  This blog is an invitation for you to come on in and engage with what I think, what I notice, what I want to put public.  There’s freedom in being seen, and I hope my style stirs up a sense of wildness inside of you.

#3 – I do my best thinking when I’m not.  Writing, speaking and doing gets me out of my head so that what I think can just show up.  You’re my open stage for words to find my experiences.  Thank you for listening. 

#4 – Okay, that’s the fluffy truthful stuff, now on to the crap that dogs my trail:  it’s a monstrous challenge for me to commit to any kind of a daily action.  Yes I brush my teeth and sleep daily too, but even these I try to negotiate at times (spank me now).  Hands down, I’m a gold medal champion at resistance.  I even resist my resistance.   This bloody blog is going to bring all the stuckness in my resistance story up to the surface.  Blech. At newly 45 years old though, it’s probably about time.  I wonder what I’ll find.  

#5 – Chopping wood and carrying water is and has always been my most fulfilling accomplishment – because it isn’t one.  Do you know what I mean or have I lost you?  Chopping wood – like showing up simply because it’s what needed.  Carrying water – like doing the do because it’s what’s asked for.  It never occurred to me that I could set a goal (I hate goals) to chop wood and carry water.  The adrenalin that goes with setting, striving and reaching goals has cost me dearly in my life.  Sure I have a long list of accomplishments but who cares when there’s been little fulfillment.  365 days of blogging will become my daily practice.  I might even be re-writing my story about goals by living them in a new way.    

#6 – Inspiration is exhausting, but fulfillment is not.  I’m not even exactly sure why this is on the list, I just know it needed to be said.  

#7 – I like to write.  Correction: I love to write.  I love to listen to the words that come out of my fingertips.  That’s joyful for me.  

#8 – Words matter, and this is my way of saying so do I, so do you, so do we.  Our stories are our past and our future.  Oh boy, did I just say that I matter?  I did didn’t I?  That’s the name of my first book.  

#9 – I am very comfortable being ‘seen’ in glimpses, you know through photographs or on stage etc…, but over time, not so much.  Being seen is very different than being known.  What would my life be like if I was known? 

#10 –  After 365 days of being in my own witness protection program:  I suspect I’ll be more of who I came here as, and more of whom I designed to be.  That’s cool.  That’s really cool to me.  

Here’s to 365 days of Joy.  Oh wait a minute, I’m ahead of myself.  That’s for today.  Yes I am writing yesterday’s post today.  Yesterday was January 1st, a holiday and I don’t believe in working on holidays.  I need downtime too.  So this list of Ten Reasons Why is for yesterday, today.  Today I will also write today’s.  

Still with me?  Awesome.  Stay.

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