Tell me about tired because it’s a constant I see on me, and on other people.
Tired, Tina is a place to live in, a land to visit, a place to put up camp, a place to build shop, a home for dead relationships, a cemetery of sorts that we choose to walk on.
When you are tired Tina, you are walking on dead things and disturbing their rest so their hands reach up to grab you to remind you to move on.
We are dead, we are your past, we are yesterday. This is not your home it is ours. Move on from here. Your life is not in this pasture.
Dead tired is the title of that story.
Tired that is physical is very different. It’s the home you live in telling you its boards are creaking and needs to be warmed up, loved and cared for.
It’s the cold air in your home saying, we need you. We are lonely and so we are cold. You are abandoning me and so we are cold.
It is the door frames of your home sagging sagging sagging from the weight of holding holding holding, and the doors begin to want to stay closed and not open anymore.
A physical tired needs rest, needs care, needs attention, needs you to hold it.
The tired of weary is the tired of the trekker, the tired of the quest, the tired of the road, the journey of not seeing the shore.
The weary tired is a tired of transformation, it’s not tired at all, it’s masked as tired, it’s fear of the unknown telling you I’m afraid we’re going nowhere – it’s asking you to listen to the feet on the path, listen to the ground or the water or the air touching your feet.
Listen intently. Listen deeply. Listen as there are choices to be made from the stories you are ignoring.
Tired is a story with so much information in it.
Interested in my Dear Tina practice? Want to receive my free e-course to start your own? Sign up here.
TinaO is a writer, speaker and the founder of TinaOLife – a hub for all things worth living for, the workshop Live Your Best Story, and her coaching practice: Tall Poppy Living. She’s also a professional network marketer with a decade in the industry and with her Tall Poppy Living for Network Marketers Coaching Program, she teaches: selling isn’t slimey and marketing isn’t make-believe. You can be yourself and be successful in Direct Sales.
What do you do? People ask me this all the time and the truth is, I don’t have a freakin’ clue how to give people the answer they actually, truly want, but aren’t asking for.
Well, that’s not true, I can do it, but it would likely piss you off.
People want me to answerWhat do you do?with something like this:
I’m a writer.
I’m a salesperson.
I’m a seminar leader.
I’m a speaker.
I’m a professional network marketer.
I’m a consultant.
I’m a social media maven.
I’m a mom, a wife, a baker, a tri-athlete (in training), a cancer survivor, a friend, a mentor…
People (maybe even you) don’t really want to know what I do, you want to know who and what I am right? But that’s far too complex of a question to ask, and it’s certainly too much to answer over a quick chat in a bank line-up isn’t it? (Wait a minute, does anyone even go to the bank anymore?).
If I told you what I do by prattling off a long list of my activities you’d be like: “lady, I’m just making small talk, I don’t need your whole story”.
And that’s the issue for me. I am a story. You are a story. Every second of our day is another word, phrase, and paragraph of our living story.
So, when you ask me what I do, if I’m feeling empowered enough to hold your quizzical, yet kinda blank stare as you try to piece together the words that are falling out of my mouth into something that makes sense to you, this is what I would say:
You: So… What do you do?
Me: Thank you for asking, well… I Live My Best Story, and I inspire others to do the same.
You: Blank stare.
Four years ago I was not living my best story. At that time, I thought ‘story’ was something that happened ‘to me’ not through me. I thought that all of my broken promises, unrealized dreams, and misfortunes had happened to me, (me being the central character, yet object not subject of my story). I had been watching my life happen and since it had a bunch of successes in it like:
I’d completed writing multiple plays,
produced and directed a few quirky short films,
ran a successful small PR firm,
had been self-employed for most of my life… and paid the rent!
got married,
gave birth to three healthy boys,
had ample friends and was part of an active community,
***plus I had made it to the top of a network marketing business and even earned the company car.
Yup. I had ditched my childhood years of ‘never enough’ for a brand new white Mercedes Benz, and I had moved in to abundance town.
But it wasn’t my story, even though it was a good one.
I know. I know.We live in North America and it’s a LUXURY to build a life we love.
I know. I know. Millions of people all over the world are simply surviving each day. They don’t have a choice.
I know. I know.I should feel damn lucky and grateful for what I do have.
I know… I had been lamenting my first world problems. Poor little rich girl…
Still, it wasn’t my story, and if it wasn’t my story, it certainly couldn’t be my BEST STORY either.
I’ve always been blessed by having brilliant people around me, and my decades in the arts had taught me how to tell the truth, shake and quake while I did it, still, trust it somehow. So I asked my near and dear… What do I do now? Their answer came back loud and clear:
Launch your F**’k’n workshop Tina.
Gong… the bell in my own tower rung. Quiver quiver shake shake.
And that was the beginning for me. My best story chose me and not the other way around. You’ve heard me say this before: To whom much is given, much is expected, and if I’m going to live my best story, then bloody hell, you are too (if I have anything to do with it).
Is your past in the way of your present?
Have you hit the wall of your own beliefs?
Are you saddled by uncertainty?
Are you always in the ‘almost’ position instead of ‘arrived’?
Are you living someone else’s story instead of your own?
Is your story brighter than you’re willing to step in to?
If so, you might be where I was four years ago and you might want to come and Live Your Best Story with me for a weekend.
Our upcoming retreat (12 spots only) is May 27th – 29th.Click here to register (at the friends of rate!), or send me an email and we can chat about what’s really going on with you and see if a weekend away might just be the answer to your restlessness.
Live Your Best Story with facilitators: Tina Overbury, Nicolle Nattrass, Dr. Carolyn Nesbitt and Cindy Schreyer
What do I do? I live my best story and I inspire and support others to do the same.
Send me an email at
TinaO is a writer, speaker and the founder of TinaOLife – a hub for all things worth living for, the workshop Live Your Best Story, and her coaching practice: Tall Poppy Living. She’s also a professional network marketer with a decade in the industry and with her Tall Poppy Living for Network Marketers Coaching Program, she teaches: selling isn’t slimey and marketing isn’t make-believe. You can be yourself and be successful in Direct Sales.
This started out as a little Facebook update and became so much more – so here it is for you.
I’m back in the saddle… This year I choose Joy. This year I work 9am – 3pm only. This year as mama, I nourish the little boy inside my 6 year old who thinks he needs to be 15yrs old to matter. This year I honour the athlete inside of me. Bring on my first real triathlon – and not to reach my absolute pinnacle of best, but rather to enjoy cycling, running and swimming. This year I date my husband. I laugh, I love, I fall into deep gazes without glancing at my to do list. This year I juice and eat slowly at a family table because it feels awesome, not to avoid the c-word, and not because of it either. This year I take on my financial ‘story’ as the main character instead of reading it like it’s ‘happening to me’ – the good stuff and the hard stuff. I’m the main character. This year I write my books… I own my story and I give it away, neither proudly or meekly. I give it away because it’s what I’m designed to do. This year I’m a proud Arbonne consultant and Network Marketer and I make a difference in the world of selling, and home-based entrepreneurs. I care that there is another way for those who don’t do corporate, who aren’t designed to do the education/profession thing, who can’t find peace in the 9-5, who don’t experience joy in the Entrepreneur Game. I care deeply that not everyone fits in this big box of paths and professions that keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger with all the labels that we think is our identity – is what’s safe. Nahhhhh I don’t think my way is any better – it’s simply an alternative and it works for me. What works for you? This year I’m willing to champion that. This year I’m really okay being okay being okay being just okay. This year I am TinaOLife, all connected under one umbrella: Selling isn’t slimey, Marketing isn’t make-believe: Authenticity is the New Spin. Your Life is your Living Story, and the alignment of your Mindset, Soulset, Skillset and Body way to live = a perpetual motion machine. Life isn’t doing, Love isn’t running, and Family isn’t a place to hide-out. This year I stand. This year TinaOLife is what I do because I share who I am as we all do. Come with me. It’s Monday Morning and I’m starting today.